World Trade Organization - Page 2

Pinkerton: Chinese Propagandist Meddles in American Politics

Weihua Chen seems happy to advertise his journalistic credentials without worrying about the credentialing outfits asking him to return his honorific certificates. And if that silence continues to be the case, well, that says something about Knight, WPI, and Freedom Forum. Moreover, there’s nothing stopping any journalist from criticizing Chen, an obvious propagandist in their midst. But will they do so?

Chen Weihua

South Korean Lawmaker Claims Japan Violated North Korea Sanctions

A nasty diplomatic dispute between South Korea and Japan grew even more intense on Thursday as a South Korean lawmaker accused the Japanese of shipping banned materials to North Korea on 30 different occasions over the past 20 years, in some cases shipping items that were useful in the production of nuclear weapons.

This file photo dated 18 January 2001 shows trucks at the port in Osaka stopped beside the

Chadwick Moore — Left for Dead in Danville: How Globalism Is Killing Working Class America

The story of Danville is one echoed in countless communities across the country, a gutted middle class left for dead in the wake of sweeping international trade deals in Washington, applauded by liberal economists and a lockstep media portraying such policies as inevitable, ultimately good, and a win for the American consumer–a narrative usually coupled with condescending and disdainful attitudes toward displaced workers for a perceived inability to sprint ahead with the times.
