Utah - Page 9

Thirty-Two Refugees Diagnosed With Active Tuberculosis in Utah

Thirty-two refugees were diagnosed with active tuberculosis (TB) in Utah between 2011 and 2015, according to the Utah Department of Health. During that five-year period, a total of 172 cases of active TB were diagnosed in the state. Seventy-seven percent of those cases, 132 out of 172, were foreign-born. In contrast, during that same five-year period, 66 percent of all active TB cases in the United States were foreign-born.

tuberculosis - TB

Overflow Crowd of 2,300 Floods Mike Pence Utah Rally

Rallygoers were packed into the Infinity Event Center, with those on the floor were asked to squish together so more people could get in. Ultimately the fire marshal told a Trump-Pence campaign official that the limit had been reached with about 1,300 people packed in the building and another 1,000 outside hoping to get in.

Pence Rally Utah

CBS News/YouGov Utah Poll: Trump Leads by 17 Points

While several recent polls from Utah have suggested Donald Trump is recapturing his lead there, an astounding new survey from CBS News and YouGov finds him with a 17-point lead over Hillary Clinton, far beyond what other polls suggest.
