United Nations - Page 14

U.N. Complains World Has Too Many Nigerians

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) released a report with great fanfare on Tuesday that estimated the world’s population has passed 8 billion, with most of the growth occurring in low-income regions such as sub-Saharan Africa.

Women queue to cast their vote during the Osun State gubernatorial election in Ede, in the

U.N. Votes to Take Israel to International Court over ‘Illegal Occupation’

A United Nations committee approved a draft resolution Friday calling on the International Court of Justice in the Hague to urgently issue its opinion on the legal consequences of allegedly denying the Palestinian people the right to self-determination, a move Israel’s envoy to the global body maintains will “endanger” the country’s future as well as any chance of peace with the Palestinians.

International Court

U.N.: Colombia Hits Record High Cocaine Production

Production of coca crops and potential production of cocaine in Colombia reached its highest recorded levels in two decades in 2021, according to a report published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s (UNODC) Integrated Illicit Crop Monitoring System (SIMCI) this month.

cocaine or other drugs cut with razor blade on mirror. hand dividing white powder narcotic

Nuclear-Armed India, Pakistan Squabble over Kashmir During U.N. Ukraine Vote

A United Nations General Assembly debate on a resolution to condemn the Russian colonization of eastern Ukraine pivoted abruptly to South Asia on Wednesday as the permanent representative of Pakistan accused India of “modern-day colonialism” in the disputed region of Kashmir. India’s representative dismissed the complaints as “frivolous” and off-topic.

T. S. Tirumurti, Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations, speaks during a