Kristi Noem Promises to Eliminate South Dakota’s Grocery Tax if Reelected
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) is promising to permanently repeal the state’s grocery tax if reelected this November.

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) is promising to permanently repeal the state’s grocery tax if reelected this November.
The UK’s Chancellor of the Exchequer has been engaging in financial double-speak, promising that he will cut taxes despite having just increased them.
Democrats say cutting hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes for mostly wealthy income-earners in coastal states is “essential” to getting reelected in this year’s midterm elections.
President Joe Biden’s “Build Back Better Act” is set to give a tax cut to about 67 percent of the nation’s richest Americans — those earning more than $885,000 every year.
American companies have brought $1 trillion back to the United States since the passage of President Donald Trump’s tax cuts in 2017, according to new U.S. Department of Commerce data.
President Donald Trump feigned astonishment on Monday after the New York Times published a positive article on his signature tax cut.
Democrat Stacey Abrams gave her party’s official response to President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address and claimed that his policies were hurting the American economy.
President Trump’s ban on allowing welfare-dependent legal immigrants to resettle permanently in the United States would likely save each American taxpayer about $1,600 a year.
Marc Short, the President’s liaison to Congress, will leave as early as this summer, says the Wall Street Journal.
A new poll claims the biggest factors for California voters — who may hold the nation’s fate in their hands — will be the 47 percent opposition to President Donald Trump’s tax cut and the 54 percent support for keeping Obamacare.
The Trump tax cuts were supposed to spark a business investment boom. The latest Fed statement indicates that the boom may have already begun.
The Fed clearly is not suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, the compulsion to present all of Trump’s policies as terrible, no-good, very bad. It knows what Trump has done and thinks the economy has strengthened.
“America’s greatest treasure by far is our people, and my administration hears your voice and we have your back,” Trump said.
President Donald Trump’s strategic pivot toward tariffs marks the ascent of National Trade Council Director and former University of California Irvine professor Peter Navarro, who has warned Americans for a decade against committing “Death by China.”
President Donald Trump responded Monday to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s claim that his new tax reform law would only offer “crumbs” to workers. “She’s a rich woman who lives in a big, beautiful house in California, who wants to give all of your money away,” he said.
The good news about the American economy got a whole lot better in January, as average hourly wages jumped by 2.9 percent, the biggest increase since 2009.
The world’s largest publicly traded oil company is making a huge investment in the United States over the next five years.
A story by Southern California Public Radio station KPCC last week appeared to admit that President Donald Trump’s $1.5 billion tax reform is best for middle and lower income households.
Starbucks will spend $250 million of its corporate tax cut to boost the pay and expand the benefits of its American workers.
The average family of three will see their Obamacare premium increase by close to $800 in 2018. That will swallow about half of the average $1,600 tax cut middle-class families expect to receive from Republicans’ new tax reform.
“The Fake News refuses to talk about how Big and how Strong our BASE is,” he wrote. “They show Fake Polls just like they report Fake News.”
Satirist Ami Horowitz went to New York City’s West Village, which he deemed “liberal Mecca,” to ask Liberals if they approved of the GOP tax plan disguised as having been proposed by Bernie Sanders. At first, the interviewees described the GOP’s plan
“At some point, and for the good of the country, I predict we will start working with the Democrats in a Bipartisan fashion,” he wrote on Twitter. “Infrastructure would be a perfect place to start.”
AT&T says that if President Trump signs the tax bill before Christmas, employees will receive a special $1000 bonus over the holidays.
President Donald Trump did not appear pleased by media coverage of the passage of the monumental Republican tax cut bill.
Two California Republicans, Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), voted against the tax reform bill on Tuesday.
The National Association of Realtors warned that the Republican tax reform bill could cause real estate prices to fall in every state, led by a California with up to a 12 percent crash.
Yes, the Obamacare issue is ba-a-ack. Congressional Republicans could, in fact, be voting on the fate of the program — formally known as the Affordable Care Act — within days.
President Donald Trump’s top congressional aide is prioritizing a new “DACA” amnesty and a tax cut ahead of Trump’s promised border wall, according to news reports.
Any effort to ‘pay’ for the tax cuts through higher taxes will undermine their stimulative effect.
The Bavarian coalition partner of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s party has said they will back her bid for re-election, in return for a sharp shift to the right including “the greatest tax reduction in Germany history”.
The German Finance Minister has hit out against Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne’s plans to cut the corporation tax rate post-Brexit, saying Germany had “no intention” to join in a “race to the bottom”. Speaking to reporters on Wednesday,
Donald Trump said Sunday that his “floor” economic concern as President would be negotiating a sizable middle class tax cut, “because they have been absolutely shunned.”
Liberals should find a new respect for tax cuts, because cheaper gasoline prices are acting like a $1,500 “trickle-down” tax cut for every American household, goosing revenue at local restaurants, groceries, charities and retail stories.
Senator Rand Paul is talking about America’s debt crisis, telling Breitbart News Daily that if he’s elected President, he will do everything in his power to prevent the debt ceiling from being raised again.