Senate Intelligence Committee - Page 3

Jeff Sessions Counters James Comey’s Story

Attorney General Jeff Sessions repeated disagreements with ex-FBI Director James Comey’s account of the two’s interaction in his testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee Tuesday.

Sen. Jeff Sessions

No Optimism on Afghanistan from DNI: Taliban ‘Likely to Make Gains in 2017’

WASHINGTON, DC —Afghanistan will “continue to deteriorate” this year despite U.S-led international support, primarily because of capability lapses among the American-trained Afghan forces and the expected “gains” by a resurgent Taliban that grew stronger under former President Barack Obama, Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Daniel Coats warns lawmakers in the most recent Worldwide Threat Assessment.

Face-covered militants who they say are Talibans pose with an RPG in Zabul province, south

Spicer Calls Out Media Hypocrisy on ‘Wiretapping’ Allegations

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer squared off Wednesday against members of the White House Press Corps who questioned him about the Senate Intelligence Committee’s statement that it had not found evidence of any government surveillance of Trump Tower “[b]ased on the information available to us.”


9/11 Families to Obama: Release 28 Secret Pages of 9/11 Report

A group composed of 21 family members and survivors of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks wrote a letter to the White House, imploring President Barack Obama to declassify 28 pages from a bipartisan joint congressional inquiry into intelligence failures surrounding the al-Qaeda strike.