
Amazon’s Next Target for Retail Conquest: the Burbs

Tech giant Amazon is reportedly bringing its cashierless convenience stores to the suburbs. Areas outside of major American cities can soon expect to see “Amazon Go” stores pop up as Amazon continues its assault on the bricks and mortar retail industry.o

Amazon Go store

Watch Out Retail: Amazon Is Opening Department Stores

Tech and e-commerce giant Amazon reportedly plans to open multiple large physical stores across the United States that will operate similarly to department stores. Amazon is already the largest seller of clothing in the United States.

Jeff Bezos holds goggles to his face (Joe Raedle /Getty)

Walmart to Give 740,000 Employees a Free Samsung Smartphone

Retail giant Walmart is set to give 740,000 employees free Samsung smartphones by the end of the year so they can use a new app to manage schedules and perform a wide variety of other tasks in the store. Employees will be free to use the phone for their personal business as well.
