Former Goldman CEO Warns of Potential Recession: ‘Very, Very High Risk Factor’
Appearing on CBS’s Face the Nation, former Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein warned the United States could plunge into a recession.

Appearing on CBS’s Face the Nation, former Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein warned the United States could plunge into a recession.
The phrase “bury the hatchet” is thought to have originated with a practice by some Native American tribes.
Blankfein jabbed back at Warren after she featured him in an ad attacking wealthy men for criticizing her policies.
“I think he’s always looked down on me because he grew up in a fancier neighborhood in Brooklyn,” Blankfein tweeted.
From the Hamptons on Long Island, New York, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is already plotting exactly what she intends to do should the House majority swing the Democrats’ way in November.
The New York Times reports Goldman Sachs president David M. Solomon is likely to succeed Lloyd C. Blankfein, Chief Executive Officer of the powerful wall street bank in December.
Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein admitted — despite previously strong anti-Brexit remarks — that he’d been wrong about the impact of Brexit, and was surprised at how little economic impact the vote had caused so far.
“View from our building today reminds me that despite all the sh*t, American values will shine through,” Lloyd Blankfein tweeted.
Cohn’s old boss tries to put a nice gloss on his former deputy’s lack of reading and writing habits.
“Wish the moon wasn’t the only thing casting a shadow across the country.”
Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein, whose first tweet ever slammed President Donald Trump for dropping out of the Paris Climate Accord, threw some serious shade at Trump on Monday during the solar eclipse.
The CEO of Goldman Sachs has come out against President Trump’s executive order on immigration.
In a 2013 discussion with Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton argued that the only way to contain a belligerent Iran would be to “bomb their facilities,” referring to nuclear facilities that a future nuclear deal
Top executives at Goldman Sachs banned the investment firm’s employees from making private political donations to Donald Trump’s campaign for president, even as it appears to allow employees to donate to Hillary Clinton.
President Obama’s outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder made an eyebrow-raising book recommendation in his exit interview with Politico on Friday.