Breitbart Business Digest: Kellogg’s Is Dying of Wokeness
Kellogg’s did real damage to its brands when it decided to take sides in American politics by boycotting Breitbart.
Kellogg’s did real damage to its brands when it decided to take sides in American politics by boycotting Breitbart.
Go woke, go broke.
Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts (R) is standing up for American union workers, currently on strike against the Kellogg Company, urging the corporation to make “retaining your people” a priority.
Government officials in the failing socialist country of Venezuela have seized a cereal factory owned by the Kellogg Company after the firm announced it would pull out of the region.
The leftwing W.K. Kellogg foundation controls the company, owns 20% of its stock, and two of the its trustees sit on the company’s board.
Fresh food is on the rise and packaged food is in steep decline.
The troubles continue for cereal giant Kellogg’s as it announced layoffs of more than 400 Texans working in company distribution centers this summer.
Jon Ungoed-Thomas and Mason Boycott-Owen report in The Sunday Times that cereal giant Kellogg’s has been funding studies that undermine official government warnings about the link between sugary cereals and obesity.
Jim Hoffa, president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, says his organization will “fight” Kellogg’s decision to shift from direct delivery of its foods to stores, a move that will result in the firing of more than 1,100 full-time workers at Kellogg’s facilities across the country.
Kellogg’s CEO John Bryant says the company’s plummeting stock and reported $53 million loss in the fourth quarter are unrelated to the company’s politically driven decision last year to pull ads from Breitbart News, which spurred a boycott campaign and intense online backlash.
USA TODAY reports that downsizing at various Kellogg’s facilities across the country could put 1,110 Americans out of work.
Kellogg’s is shutting down 39 distribution centers across the country, the embattled cereal giant announced this week.
The W.K. Kellogg Foundation gave nearly two million dollars to the John Podesta-founded Center for American Progress and a closely affiliated organization called Washington Center for Equitable Growth that also lists John Podesta as a founder.
The Kellogg Company’s namesake nonprofit, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, has given over half a million dollars to the community organizing group Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI), a pro-open borders group headed by Opal Tometi, one of the three co-founders of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Adweek reports that Kellogg’s decision to pull its advertising from Breitbart News inflicted massive, longterm damage to the cereal company’s brand online.
The Wall Street Journal concludes that Kellogg’s politically-driven decision to pick a food fight with Breitbart has bruised its brand.
The W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the namesake nonprofit arm of the Kellogg Company, has given $310,000 to the California-based community organizing group Causa Justa :: Just Cause, an open border pro-illegal immigration group. Causa Justa :: Just Cause also has connections to a group called the Freedom Road Socialist Organization that promotes breaking the United States up into race-based nation states.
In his latest op-ed, World Net Daily founder, editor, and CEO Joseph Farah offers a generous endorsement of Breitbart’s #DumpKelloggs boycott, declaring that his website, in solidarity with Breitbart, will no longer accept advertising from Kellogg’s.
If you’re not a regular reader of Breitbart News, you may be a little confused by our #DumpKelloggs campaign and the stories about Kellogg’s that may have hit your news feed recently.
John Hinderaker of the conservative blog Powerline offers support for Breitbart’s #DumpKelloggs boycott, noting that if Kellogg’s wants to align itself with “a vicious, bullying left-wing minority,” then they “should understand that such decisions have consequences” because we do not live in “a one-party state.”
Conservative blogger Ace of Spades offers support to Breitbart’s #DumpKelloggs boycott, noting that corporations are joining the culture wars on behalf of the bullying left, while the right foolishly “is a patsy who will go along with anything, including its own denigration” due to a “misplaced” sense of principles that prevents it from acting, even as “the left continues organizing every institution, media group, and corporation as bases of operation to destroy us.”
Author and radio host Mark Steyn offers support to Breitbart’s #DumpKelloggs boycott in his latest column, noting the danger posed to free speech and culture when corporations increasingly politicize every issue by siding with the left in order to silence or de-legitimize the left’s political opponents, which Steyn writes is the real aim of Kellogg’s actions.
The Democrats have lost the White House as well as the Congress, and the American left finds itself out of power in Washington, DC. And yet this new crop of exiled leftists won’t have to march very far to find safe harbor.
Steven Ertelt of the pro-life news site reports on the Kellogg Company’s decision to pull ads from Breitbart News because Breitbart and our 45 million monthly readers don’t share the cereal giant’s “values.”
Breitbart News’ #DumpKelloggs petition initiative has garnered a whopping 250,000 signatures within 48 hours of Kellogg’s decision to pull its advertising in an attack on the “values” of Breitbart and its 45 million monthly readers.
The New York Post’s Claire Atkinson reports on the impact Breitbart’s boycott of Kellogg’s has had on the cereal giant’s stock. The #DumpKelloggs boycott effort was launched in response to Kellogg’s attack on the “values” of Breitbart and our 45 million monthly readers.
With the Kellogg Company’s announcement that they pulled their advertising from Breitbart News because Breitbart isn’t “aligned with our values,” many consumers might wonder what those values are. The company’s namesake nonprofit organization, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, offers the best glimpse into the cereal giant’s beliefs; and a look at the writings and social media postings of the foundation’s Director of Racial Equity reveals expressions of sympathy for the murderous communist dictator Fidel Castro and antipathy towards police.
The institutional left’s funding behemoth the W.K. Kellogg Foundation has partnered with and given major donations to George Soros’s Open Society Institute and the Tides Center as part of its massive push to promote a far-left agenda.
Lawrence Meyers of InvestorPlace’s InvestorPolitics forum writes that the Kellogg Company “is being incredibly, mind-numbingly stupid” by openly attacking Breitbart News after buying into “the media’s false narrative that conservatives and Breitbart’s website consist of deplorables, haters, racists, sexists, White Nationalists, who also kick puppies and club baby seals.” Kellogg’s actions, Meyers writes, “immediately alienates up to half of its domestic consumers.” He warns, “You do not pick a fight with Breitbart.”
The progressive Kellogg cereal company, known for funding causes aimed at “white privilege,” “institutional racism,” and efforts to defeat voter ID laws, has been accused of standing by and doing nothing as employees at one of its New England distribution centers are daily subjected to mistreatment and racist name calling by management. One African American employee was even allegedly harassed with a picture of a baboon.
Breitbart News is asking its readers to boycott Kellogg Co. after the cereal maker said it would no longer advertise on the conservative news website.
The progressive Kellogg Company, famous for its breakfast cereals, is also well-known for sponsoring far-left social programs by giving hundreds of millions over the years to leftwing causes and projects, but most recently the company has taken to programs combating issues like “white privilege” and “structural racism.”
A number of Kellogg’s Facebook pages have erupted with complaints about the company withdrawing advertisements from Breitbart News, with many users tagging their complaints with the #DumpKelloggs boycott slogan which Breitbart debuted on Wednesday.
#DumpKelloggs was the most popular trending topic on Twitter in the United States at the time of this writing after Breitbart News organized a boycott against the company on Wednesday.
The discovery of a possible Listeria contamination has led to the recall of a portion of the Eggo Waffle product line made famous by a little boy and girl yelling “L’eggo my Eggo” at each other.