Interest Rates - Page 9

No Inflation, No Interest, No Recovery: How Printing Money Enslaves the Middle Class

Much of the debate over the maybe-recovery concerns the manipulation of government reports. The Western world is moving rapidly toward a stagnant feudal system populated only by rich aristocrats, rich government officials, and a vast lower class that needs welfare transfer payments to survive. Debt-burdened workers with flat wages, shaky job prospects, and government subsidies for their basic needs are serfs, not a vibrant and independent middle class of entrepreneurs selling their labor to the highest bidders.

Money Laundering Network

The Federal Reserve of Goldman Sachs

With the appointment of Neel Kashkari as President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, former Goldman Sachs executives will hold 4 of the 5 Fed Presidents’ seats on the powerful Federal Open Markets Committee that controls U.S. interests rates.

The Associated Press

Treasury Rates at Zero Percent 46 Times Since 2008

Treasury Bill rates have recently fallen to zero percent, but few Americans understand that since September 2008 this has happened 46 times, and about 3 percent of all U.S. government debt under one year in maturity has been sold without paying any interest during the last 7 years.


Jackson Hole Fed Summit: A Failing Long Term Fed Report Card

From its founding until the beginning of the 20th century, the United States went from a non-economy to being the world’s largest and wealthiest economy. It achieved this feat on the gold standard mostly, with no central bank, (except for 36 years), and with little or no central planning.

Gold AP

James Grant Sets Stick of Dynamite to Bush/Obamanomics

It was a very deep depression, as deep as the one that succeeded in 1929. But in this case, the government did not intervene, and it was over in less than two years. Was this a coincidence? Grant does not think it was. He believes, as this writer does, that present government interventions have deepened our current economic malaise and are retarding a full recovery.

Statues of unemployed men standing in a unemployment line during the Great Depression at t