holidays - Page 2

NYT Writer: Cancel Holiday Office Parties So Women Avoid Sexual Harassment

“Why are we having holiday parties at all?” complained Weiner to Gayle King on Monday morning. “Wouldn’t you rather have an extra $100 in your paycheck than have to put on the Spanx, put on the heels, be social with the guy with, like, the stale coffee breath who’s looking at your backside every time you go to the copier. You know how that is.”


Atheist Group Demands Removal of Texas Courthouse Nativity Scene

A humanist, atheist organization is demanding that a local Texas courthouse remove a Christmas nativity scene display, saying it unconstitutionally endorses Christianity. The organization claims the nativity was bought with taxpayer dollars and clearly endorses the Christian faith.

TexasNativity (1)

ACLU Attacks Small Town Nativity Scene

GRANT PARISH, Louisiana – The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is attacking a public Christmas display, this time targeting a small, Louisiana town’s nativity scene.
