GDP - Page 6

Claim: Obamacare Repeal Could Hurt California

The Milken Institute School of Public Health at George Washington University has estimated that from a public sector viewpoint, repealing Obamacare would cost the State of California $20.7 billion in federal funding and eliminate 334,000 jobs.

Irfan Khan/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

Fear the Low-Productivity Economy of the Future

In fact, one of the worst things about politicized economics is the false promise that politicians know what the ideal economy looks like, never mind having solid plans for getting there. Is the ideal economy one in which everyone’s basic needs are covered? Welcome to the endless grey fog of the collectivist welfare or communist state, which always proves unsustainable and fails to deliver on those promises anyway.

AP Photo/Paul Sakuma

Obama GDP Drops -0.7%… Recession Coming?

On Friday, the United States Bureau of Economic Analysis released its revised economic report for the first quarter of 2015 – and in a “surprising” and “unexpected” twist (surprising and unexpected only because Barack Obama is president and the media are constantly surprised that the Sun God cannot rain gold from the heavens), the GDP dropped -0.7%.

AP Photo/David Zalubowski

Governor Brown Signs Multinational Climate Change Pact

On Tuesday, California Governor Jerry Brown signed onto a pact between 12 regions in seven countries, including four U.S. states, binding each to reduce greenhouse gas emissions drastically. The goal of the cuts is to keep the rise in global average surface temperatures below 2º Celsius. However, recent revisions by the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change suggest global temperatures are projected to rise by less than 1º C over 30 years–and perhaps by less than 0.5º C.


US GDP Temporarily Stalls Out, Similar to 1986 Oil Crash

U.S. economic growth stalled out in the first quarter of 2015 as the domestic energy boom caused a short-term collapse in capital spending, large lay-offs in the oil industry, and a 15 percent jump in the exchange rate of the US dollar. A pattern of slowing GDP just before a consumer spending boom takes off is consistent with what happened the last time a big rise in U.S. crude oil production tanked gasoline prices beginning in 1986.

California Pumpjack (Joel Pollak / Breitbart News)

Obama’s Latest Non-Recovery Chokes Out

We’ve been hearing this ridiculous garbage about cold winters freezing the engines of the mighty Obama growth engine every year for the past six years. The hard, cold truth is that we’ve never had sustained growth under this President’s policies that could do anything more than slow the bleeding in the American workforce. Everything he does, from ObamaCare to his amnesty orders for illegal aliens, is a job-killer. It’s a tribute to the underlying strength of the American economy that we’re not in even worse shape.

The Associated Press

Getting the Couch Potatoes Back to Work

In 2014, GDP growth bounced back in the spring and summer from a tough winter, but in the fourth quarter, it fell off to 2.6 percent. History indicates the country should be doing a lot better—simply, too many prime working-age Americans are despondent and have permanently dropped out of the workforce.

Flickr Creative Commons / Kathryn Decker

5% Growth! The Lessons of the Obama Recovery

The news that U.S. GDP expanded at 5% is welcome indeed—and confirms the bullish outlook that many of us at Breitbart News have shared for the past several years. At the same time, the economy remains tough in many respects.


GDP: 5 Percent

On Tuesday, the Commerce Department released revised GDP figures that showed third quarter growth at 5%, the strongest third-quarter growth in eleven years.
