Breitbart Business Digest: Why the Trump Administration Won’t Privatize Fannie and Freddie
The Trump administration understands that only Congress can resolve the limbo of Fannie and Freddie and ensure the stability of America’s housing market.
The Trump administration understands that only Congress can resolve the limbo of Fannie and Freddie and ensure the stability of America’s housing market.
Investors who have convinced themselves—or been convinced by wealthy hedge fund managers talking their books—that the Trump administration is determined to release Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from the government control are likely in for a painful surprise.
Some of Wall Street’s most powerful financiers are likely to be disappointed by the Trump administration’s treatment of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Senate Republicans have pushed back against the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s (FHFA) move to grant race-based housing subsidies.
A Fannie Mae economist predicts the most constricted housing market in the United States since 2006 and will continue to worsen.
In an ironic twist, a case brought by Fannie and Freddie shareholders has toppled one of their allies.
The long fight over the profits of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac ended in a decisive win for the U.S. Treasury and the FHFA.
The court granted very little relief despite finding that the patent administrative judges were unconstitutionally shielded from political control
The lynchpin of one of the big cases brought by Fannie and Freddie shareholders just got overturned by the First Circuit.
Shares of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac jumped higher Wednesday as arguments kicked off at the U.S. Supreme Court in a lawsuit brought by shareholders over hundreds of billions of dollars in payments made to the U.S. government.
The agency designed by Elizabeth Warren was too unaccountable to pass constitutional muster, the Supreme Court said Monday.
Former Vice President Joe Biden is facing criticism for having appointed former Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) to his vice presidential selection committee, given past allegations of sexual impropriety that Biden, too, now faces.
The Court of Claims allowed derivative claims to proceed based on a new and untested legal theory.
The Trump administration is seeking to overturn a Fifth Circuit decision that was the first significant shareholder legal victory.
Fannie and Freddie investors assumed that the end of conservatorship would result in a windfall. That might be a costly error.
Four years ago, FHFA head Mark Calabria called for Fannie and Freddie to be designated SIFIs. Now he says he opposed that.
The plan would be a huge boost to hedge funds and other investors in Fannie and Freddie while putting taxpayers at risk.
Under an appeals courts ruling, the head of the FHFA could be replaced at will by the U.S. president.
Attorneys for the agency said Wednesday that it was reversing course under its new director, Mark Calabria.
Fannie and Freddie are not expected to make enough in profits to pay their original 10 percent dividend.
The GOP Senator wants to return Fannie and Freddie to the private market but also cap their market share and introduce competition in the mortgage guarantee business.
A spokesman just shot down the notion that Trump Administration might unilaterally release Fannie and Freddie from government control.
Shares of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac soared on the news.
Some of the hedge funds that long ago made bets on the recovery of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have greatly benefited in the first few weeks of 2019 as a Trump appointee ascended to become the acting chief of the regulator in control of mortgage giants.
An op-ed in The Hill warns that a plan being shopped on Capitol Hill would recreate the failed system of privatized profits and socialized losses.
Wall Street billionaires hope the Democratic takeover of the House of Representatives may have created an opening for them to plunder billions from U.S. taxpayers.
The government has now won in ten different courts and lost in none. Yet the hedge funds still persist in their quest for a windfall from investments in Fannie and Freddie.
“A Federal Housing Finance Agency staffer accused FHFA Director Watt of repeatedly making inappropriate sexual advances when she tried to discuss career and salary concerns,” Politico reported Friday.
Texas Republican Jeb Hensarling made it clear in a speech to realtors that government-backed housing giants Fannie and Freddie should go
The five-year-long fight over the profits of Fannie and Freddie may finally be nearing its end.
A retired civil servant finds himself under fire by big foot journalists at the New York Times and Rolling Stone.
A court ordered release of thousands of formerly confidential documents has revealed the truth about the government seizing GSE profits.
Bad news for hedge funds and other investors in the mortgage giants.
After a ruling that AIG’s shareholders lack standing to sue, the government is likely to seek a dismissal of Fannie and Freddie lawsuits.
Special interest groups have been falsely claiming for several months that the Obama administration was diverting the profits of the mortgage-finance giants to providing funding for portions of Obamacare.
Earlier this week, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson asked a guest on his show if it were true that the United States government has been “looting” Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Hillary Clinton’s campaign is airing an attack ad accusing Donald Trump of “root[ing] for the real estate crash,” while ignoring that many of Clinton’s own top corporate donors were implicated in helping to cause the subprime-mortgage crisis and the roots
The Obama administration is demanding that minorities again receive preferences to qualify for mortgages–the same policy that helped trigger the sub-prime mortgage crisis and the 2007-8 financial crash.
Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina channeled former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher at Monday’s Voters First Presidential Forum in New Hampshire. Fiorina stated, “I started out as a secretary in a little nine person real estate firm. I went on to lead
The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) decided Wednesday to increase compensation for CEOs at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – government sponsored enterprises (GSEs).