Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Page 4

Federal Appeals Court: Trump EPA Cannot Delay Obama EPA Methane Rule

A federal appeals court in Washington, DC, last week claimed the power to override President Donald Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency when the agency reconsiders an Obama-era regulation. While the specifics sound bureaucratic and are laced with legalese, this decision creates a new precedent that likely only the Supreme Court can reverse.

WASINGTON, DC - JANUARY 20: President Donald Trump and former President Barack Obama walk

Deep State Watch – Judicial Watch Sues EPA for Records from Encrypted App

The administrative deep state – the legions of unelected, entrenched bureaucrats in Washington – thinks it doesn’t have to answer to an elected president, the rule of law, or the American people. We are now seeking to uncover the truth about the particularly notorious fifth column in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Proposals for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in President Donald Trump's f

Claim: ‘Deep State’ Resisting Trump’s Executive Order on Waters

A California company fighting the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in court has written to Attorney General Jeff Sessions to complain that Department of Justice (DOJ) lawyers are still pursuing a case after President Donald Trump’s recent executive order on water policy removed the basis for the lawsuit.

Deep State (alien / Flickr / CC / Cropped)

Politico: Pruitt Takes Fire from Conservatives on Climate Showdown

Andrew Restuccia and Alex Guillen report in Politico on the heat President Trump’s EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt is taking from conservatives over reports that he successfully urged Trump not to revoke the EPA’s 2009 “endangerment finding,” a far-reaching ruling introduced by the Obama administration that labeled carbon dioxide a dangerous substance in need of broad regulation. Politico notes that among Pruitt’s high profile critics is Breitbart News’s James Delingpole.

The Associated Press

DELINGPOLE: Scott Pruitt Is Failing to Drain the Swamp at the EPA

True, his credentials as a climate sceptic are not much in doubt. Yes, he might even agree with President Trump that there’s a swamp out there that sorely needs draining. The problem is, insiders explain, is that the future of the EPA is of far less interest to Pruitt than his prospects of becoming either one of Oklahoma’s next senators or its next governor.

WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 06: Oklahoma Attorney General and President-elect Donald Trump&#0

Farmers Applaud Trump for Repealing EPA’s WOTUS Rule

Farmers are applauding President Donald Trump’s executive order Tuesday that reverses the Environmental Protection Agency’s “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) rule, which gave the agency virtually limitless authority to regulate water on private land.

The Associated Press

Hedke: A New Age for EPA

When EPA was created in 1970, America faced tremendous environmental challenges, notably substantial air and water pollution. A dramatic clean-up was necessary, and clean up the problem we did. Some work remains to be done in various states, but there is every reason to believe each state is capable of addressing its own problems and would be very adept at doing so without one iota of oversight from the EPA behemoth in Washington, DC.


Trump Hopes to Slash EPA Staff, Carbon Footprint by 50%

President Trump hopes to cut the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) 15,000 person staff by at least half, says Myron Ebell, Trump’s former head of the EPA transition team. According to the Washington Examiner: “Let’s aim for half and see how
