Bribery - Page 3

Menendez ‘Severely Admonished’ by Senate Ethics Committee

The Senate Ethics Committee announced a finding on Thursday evening that New Jersey Senator Robert Mendez (D-NJ) violated federal law and Senate rules by accepting unreported gifts from a friend and political ally. The committee said Menendez then used the power of his office to assist the friend. The New Jersey Democrat avoided a conviction in a federal corruption trial in 2017.

catch and release

5 Texas Border Sheriffs Who Were Linked to Mexican Cartels

The ties between elected officials and the Mexican transnational criminal organizations we call “cartels” do not stop at the U.S.-Mexico border. In many instances, such corruption manifested on the north side of the line. We detail below five such instances where Texas border sheriffs were indicted and sentenced to prison for such ties.

Cash Seizure

Report Shows Need to Secure Border from Official Corruption

The small number of bribery and corruption cases by employees at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) could have a wider ranging impact on border security and immigration enforcement. The department’s 250,000 employees and vast law enforcement activities are about to be turned over to a new DHS Secretary who will have to address the emerging issue of official corruption.

diversity visa

South Texas Town’s City Hall Shut Down by FBI

A multi-agency law enforcement task force raided and shut down the city hall building of the town of Crystal City, Texas, on Thursday. Five city officials and a Texas businessman were arrested on corruption charges.

FBI Crystal City

Supreme Court to Hear Cases on Religious Liberty, Public Corruption

WASHINGTON—Former Gov. Bob McDonnell’s (R-VA) bribery conviction, as well as the constitutionality of state laws banning money from going to religious schools, have joined the Supreme Court’s docket, as the justices on Friday filled eight spots on their docket for cases to be decided by the time the current year’s term ends in June.


DMV Employees Busted in Truck License Scandal

Several DMV employees in Salinas and Sacramento have been arrested, along with three trucking school operators, for allegedly using bribes to help up to 100 commercial truck drivers to obtain Class A commercial drivers’ licenses illegally.


Gulf Cartel Capo Bragged About Bribing His Way Out Of Jail

A recent shootout in this border city created controversy as to whether a high-ranking capo within the Gulf Cartel had been arrested, if he had managed to escape. He was also asked if he had taken part in an ironic twist in which authorities extort capos in order to guarantee their release.

A post by alleged Gulf Cartel Commander Jesus Garcia where he brags about bribing his way

Legal Expert On Whether Donations to Clinton Foundation Are Bribes: If It ‘Quacks Like a Duck, Chances Are It Is a Duck’

Should either the FBI or the Department of Justice, under recently confirmed Attorney General Loretta Lynch, fail to launch an investigation of this transaction, both will be vulnerable to charges that a double standard of selective investigation and prosecution exists. If you’re Hillary Clinton and engage in questionable behavior, you get a free pass. If you’re someone else—say, a conservative or an opponent of President Obama’s foreign policy, such as Senator Robert Mendez (D-NJ)– you will be investigated and prosecuted.

The Associated Press

Huge Kansas DL Employee Bribery Case Involving Illegal Immigrants Risks Aiding Terrorists

Twenty-nine Kansas government employees have been charged with bribery and other crimes in connection with providing fake drivers licenses to undocumented workers. A retired Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agent told 41 KSHB Action News that issuing fake licenses could lead to a wide range of fraud and other criminal activity, including terrorist activity. The undocumented workers allegedly paid $2,500 to obtain these fake drivers licenses.

Corruption to issue Kansas DL to IAs - KCTV 5 Kansas City