Has Donald Trump’s Once Unshakeable Economic Advantage Vanished?

A poll released this week by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research suggests that Kamala Harris has closed the gap on the key issue of the economy, which all polls agree is the top issue for a plurality of voters in this election.

The headlines appear dire.

“Registered voters are split on trusting Harris or Trump to handle economic issues,” the Associated Press said, claiming that “the findings reaffirm that Trump has lost what had been an advantage on the economy, which many voters say is the most important issue this election season above abortion, immigration, crime, and foreign affairs.”

The poll shows Harris leading on the cost of housing, with 42 percent saying they trust her to handle the issue better and 37 percent saying they trust Trump. On jobs and unemployment, Harris has the edge with 43 percent versus Trump’s 41 percent. On taxes on the middle class, Harris comes out ahead with 46 percent to Trump’s 36 percent. On the cost of groceries and gas, Trump ekes out the lead with 42 percent to Harris’s 40 percent.

Don’t Panic: Trump’s Probably Still Ahead on the Economy

If the AP-NORC poll is accurate, this should be a major cause of concern for the Trump campaign. Voters are highly unhappy with the economy—62 percent say it is in poor condition according to AP-NORC—and Trump’s hopes for victory are likely to turn on voters believing he will be a better steward for the economy than Harris.

Fortunately for Trump and his supporters, there’s good reason to be skeptical of the results of the AP-NORC poll: it is badly out of sync with other surveys of voters, and it has been for quite a while now.

A month ago, the AP-NORC poll found that Trump and Harris were basically tied on the economy. “Going into November’s election, neither Kamala Harris nor Donald Trump has a decisive edge with the public on the economy, turning an issue that was once a clear strength for Trump into the equivalent of a political jump ball,” the AP reported.

That poll is an outlier. Most other polls continue to find that Trump has a significant advantage on the economy, even if it has narrowed since Harris replaced Joe Biden at the top of the Democrat ticket.

Here’s a rundown of what the other polls are telling us:

Is it possible the AP-NORC poll has caught on to something all these polls have missed? Yes, it is possible, but that is unlikely. Instead, it’s more likely that the AP poll is not accurately reflecting voter views and that the rest of the polls are better capturing how people view the candidates and the economy.

In other words, Trump very likely retains his advantage on the economy two weeks ahead of the election.