An angry President Joe Biden said he would make immigration a central issue in his 2024 campaign if Senate Republicans do not back his more-migration bill on Wednesday.
“If the bill fails, I want to be absolutely clear about something,” Biden told reporters at the White House on Tuesday.
The American people are going to know why it fails. I’ll be taking this issue to the country … Every day between now and November, the American people are going to know that the only reason the border is not secure is Donald Trump and his MAGA Republican friends.
“It is great news if the President wants to make immigration a key issue for the 2024 election,” responded Chris Chmielenski, president of the Immigration Accountability Project. “People know that the chaos started when Biden took over the White House,” he said.
In his Tuesday speech, Biden touted support for his migration-expanding bill from the investor-dominated U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Wall Street Journal, saying:
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce supports this bill because they know this bill is not just good for the border, it’s also good for American business and for the American economy. And it’s why the [editorial board of the] Wall Street Journal endorsed the bill. The headline this morning reads “A Border Security Bill Worth Passing.”
But Americans do not want business groups to run the nation’s immigration system, Chmielenski noted:
Americans don’t want to see more migrants coming into the country to help boost the economy if it means American workers are going to lose … They understand that our current immigration system is a detriment to our economy because we’re bringing in millions of workers that we don’t need for lower-skilled jobs … [and many] white-collar workers to take jobs that Americans are willing to take for higher wages.
“That’s what the Chamber of Commerce and Wall Street are pushing for … [but] Americans [prefer migrants] that won’t directly compete with them but will complement them,” he said.
Biden also insisted he would push for amnesties in the 2024 campaign, saying “We’re not walking away from true immigration reform including permanent protections and a pathway to citizenship for young DREAMers who came here when they were children.”
McConnell: Open Borders Bill Has “No Real Chance” to Pass
Video Source: C-SPANBiden’s 2024 challenge to Trump came after the caucus of 49 GOP Senators decided not to support the bill in a Wednesday vote, despite advocacy by GOP Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell, Sen. James Lankford (R-OK), and other Senators.
The GOP decision came despite much establishment pressure — but amid a populist pushback that GOP Senators are closely tracking.
“A vote for this border surrender bill is a vote for Biden’s open-border policies,” said William Gheen, the president of ALIPAC, a grassroots group that opposes politicians who back pro-migration policies.
Many polls show that the public wants reduced migration, especially reduced labor migration.
In 2014, the GOP gained five Senate seats after Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) helped pass the very unpopular “Gang of Eight amnesty through the Senate. The bill was blocked in the House by GOP activists.
Yet the Democrats’ 2024 bill only promises more — albeit better-organized — migration into Americans’ communities and workplaces.
Many polls also show that Biden’s easy-migration policy is a political deadweight in 2024, raising the GOP’s hope of winning a majority in the U.S. Senate.
ABC News reported on February 5:
According to a Nov. 3-4 poll from ABC News/Ipsos, American adults said they trusted Republicans to do a better job handling immigration than Democrats, 36 percent to 24 percent. That 12-point gap was tied for Republicans’ second-biggest advantage on any issue (out of 11 tested).
And acrosssevennonpartisanpollsconductedinJanuary,* President Joe Biden’s average approval rating on immigration and/or the southern border was just 29 percent, and his average disapproval rating was 63 percent. That’s significantly worse than his already-poor 39-percent-to-57-percent average approval and disapproval ratings in those same polls.
ABC added, “16 percent of independents also identified immigration as their most important problem, which was up from 6 percent in July.”
Republican candidates should recognize that 70 percent of swing-voting independents “strongly” or “somewhat” favor the deportation of illegal migrants, according to a poll by Cygnal that was released mid-January. The report advised:
Republican candidates at all levels would be wise to tap into this sentiment and contrast themselves with a sheepish bench of Democrats who have largely let the issue fester to a boiling point no locality can afford to further ignore because it’s impacting voters day-to-day lives.
Biden’s migration failure also worsens voters’ worries about the economy. The polling firm of TIPP Insights issued a report on February 4 noting:
Nearly four in ten (38%) Americans picked the economy as the country’s most important issue, followed by immigration/border security at 36 percent and crime at 19 percent as the other top concerns. Interestingly, the importance of immigration increased sharply from 29% in December to 36% in January and remained at that level in February.
A recent TIPP Poll and Bankrate survey revealed that the majority of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Their wages have not grown, while stubborn Bidenflation, at 17 percent, has taken a toll on their finances. Only one-third (34%) say they’re better off than four years ago.
The report is titled “America’s Immigration Anxiety Amidst A Gloomy Outlook On The Direction Of Country.”
Biden’s eagerness to challenge Trump on immigration politics likely reflects his growing dislike of Trump. On February 1, Politico reported:
The president [Biden] has described Trump to longtime friends and close aides as a “sick fuck” who delights in others’ misfortunes, according to three people who have heard the president use the profane description. According to one of the people who has spoken with the president, Biden recently said of Trump: “What a fucking asshole the guy is.”
Extraction Migration
Since at least 1990, the federal government has relied on Extraction Migration to grow the economy after allowing investors to move the high-wage manufacturing sector to lower-wage countries.
The migration policy extracts vast amounts of human resources from needy countries. The additional workers, consumers, and renters push up stock values by shrinking Americans’ wages, subsidizing low-productivity companies, boosting rents, and spiking real estate prices.
The economic policy has pushed many native-born Americans out of careers in a wide variety of business sectors, reduced native-born Americans’ productivity and political clout, reduced high-tech innovation, crippled civic solidarity, and allowed government officials and progressives to ignore the rising death rate of discarded Americans.
The policy also sucks jobs and wealth from heartland states by subsidizing coastal investors and government agencies with a flood of low-wage workers, high-occupancy renters, and government-aided consumers.
The colonialism-like policy has also killed many thousands of migrants, including many on the taxpayer-funded jungle trail through the Darien Gap in Panama.
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