Biden Asks for Millions to Eliminate Labor Trafficking Pipeline of Migrant Children That Started on His Watch


President Joe Biden is asking Congress to approve millions in American taxpayer dollars to help eliminate a labor trafficking pipeline of migrant children that started on his watch as a result of lax enforcement of federal immigration laws.

Slipped into Biden’s budget request to Congress is $100 million to help the Department of Labor investigate child labor — primarily a labor trafficking pipeline of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UACs) that has spiraled into a major issue for the administration.

The request is effectively an admission by the Biden administration that the labor trafficking pipeline of UACs needs millions in additional funding to cripple the network of smugglers and traffickers.

Coincidentally, the labor trafficking pipeline of UACs has flourished under Biden’s watch.

For months, top officials at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have been pressed by Congress on how tens of thousands of migrant children have not been heard from since the federal government resettled them with adult sponsors throughout the U.S., the majority of whom are not their biological parents.

WATCH — Rep. Lesko: Harder to Adopt a Dog Than to Take in Migrant Kids Under Biden:

@energyandcommerce / YouTube

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) has repeatedly asked the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) about tens of thousands of missing UACs the federal government has lost contact with after their resettlement with adult sponsors.

Blackburn has yet to get answers on the matter.

A bombshell report from the Labor Department revealed that from October 2022 to July 0f this year, there has been a 44 percent increase in children discovered working in jobs in the U.S.

Labor trafficking has become so prominent among UACs at the hands of their adult sponsors that Labor Department officials said they are working with Mexico and Central American nations to “educate migrant communities” about child labor laws in the United States.

In August, the Labor Department Inspector General (IG) announced an investigation into the agency’s handling of UACs being labor trafficked after their release into the U.S. interior.

Since Biden took office, more than 300,000 UACs have been placed with adult sponsors throughout the United States, but whistleblowers have warned that HHS is not properly vetting those sponsors and migrant children are ending up in labor trafficking, sex trafficking, and domestic servitude as a result.

WATCH — Whistleblower: Federal Government Facilitating “Multi-Billion-Dollar Child Trafficking Operation” at U.S. Border:

House Judiciary GOP/ YouTube

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here.


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