Exclusive: Jim Jordan Seeks Immediate Response from Ex-FBI Official Accused of Misconduct

Timothy Thibault

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) asked former FBI official Timothy Thibault on Friday to “immediately cooperate” with the House Judiciary Committee by appearing “promptly” for a transcribed interview as part of the committee’s investigation into allegations of misconduct against Thibault, Breitbart News has learned.

Thibault, a former assistant special agent in charge at the FBI’s Washington Field Office, has been a target for Jordan since last summer, when Jordan first learned through an FBI whistleblower that Thibault had allegedly pressured FBI agents to inflate “domestic violent extremism” cases.

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) also revealed around that same timeframe that Thibault had, according to whistleblowers, shut down a line of investigation into President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden in October 2020, weeks ahead of Joe Biden’s presidential race.

After these and other allegations raised questions about Thibault’s work at the FBI, Thibault left the agency in August, stating through his attorney he had “voluntarily retired” and that he “was not fired, not forced to retire, and not asked to retire” as a result of any allegations.

Jordan, as ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, proceeded to contact Thibault on three separate occasions, seeking a transcribed interview from Thibault and asking Thibault to preserve any documentation that may be relevant to the committee’s work. Now, as committee chair, Jordan is threatening to use his subpoena power against the former FBI official should he not meet Jordan’s demand.

“To date, you have not complied with our request that you appear for a transcribed interview before the Committee. This obstruction must stop,” Jordan wrote in his correspondence to Thibault on Friday, noting he wanted Thibault to appear for an interview “promptly.”

Attorney Charles Duross from the firm Morrison & Foerster first responded to Jordan on October 7, stating that Thibault could not honor Jordan’s initial request because it related to “sensitive” information, to which Jordan objected.

Duross replied to Jordan’s objections on December 13 and conveyed more of a willingness to cooperate but still leaned on his concern about sensitive information, according to correspondence obtained by Breitbart News.

Duross wrote:

Regarding your request for an interview, we remain concerned that the subject matter pertains to sensitive law enforcement information and/or pending investigations. Mr. Thibault does want to cooperate with your investigation while, at the same time, respecting concerns the FBI may have about the disclosure of sensitive law enforcement information or pending investigations. We have engaged with the FBI’s Office of Congressional Affairs to address these issues, and our client is hopeful that there will be a pathway forward to cooperate with your investigation and protect pending investigations and sensitive law enforcement information.

Duross also reiterated from his October letter that he believed “any review of Mr. Thibault’s tenure at the FBI will conclude that his supervision, leadership, and decision making were consistent with the FBI’s highest standards for ethics and integrity.”

A GOP aide familiar with the matter indicated to Breitbart News that Thibault is a top priority for the committee, describing him as “public enemy number one.”

Write to Ashley Oliver at aoliver@breitbart.com. Follow her on Twitter at @asholiver.


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