More Bailouts? Forever? Not So Fast

Pollster Frank Luntz has confirmed what conservatives, Tea Party activists and, well, every other American not affiliated with Wall Street banks have known all along — voting for bailouts is a political death sentence.


Big Government has obtained a copy of a new poll conducted by The Word Doctors that should send shivers down the spine of proponents of the Financial Reform bill that passed the House of Representatives in December. The legislation created a $150 billion bailout fund for future bailouts for banks and corporations and authorizes the Fed to spend up to another $4 Trillion.

Luntz’s poll asked whether “you would be more or less likely to vote for your member of Congress if they voted for a Financial Reform bill that contained a fund to bail out banks and Wall Street?” The results: 5% more likely. 79% Less Likely. An incredible 52% of respondents said that they would be “much more likely” to vote against bailout supporters. A copy of the Luntz poll can be found here:

Language of Financial Reform

Luntz’s poll raises a critical question Democrats will soon have to face — when they finally shelve health care reform, what legislation should they try to move to next? Certainly, if they care about getting themselves re-elected this November, the Financial Reform Bill won’t be it. The House-passed bill is sitting on the Senate desk while Sen. Dodd and the President are strongly pushing the bill.

But even though Sen. Dodd and the President don’t seem to get it yet, they will likely hear about it soon. Readers report this ad running in several states:


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