Dem Rep. Lofgren: Liz Cheney Is ‘Brave’ for Endorsing Harris

Representative Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) said Thursday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” that former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) was “brave” and “so Republican” to vote for Vice President Kamala Harris.

Host Nicolle Wallace said, “Your thoughts on Liz Cheney’s endorsement of Kamala Harris yesterday.”

Lofgren said, “I’m proud of Liz. We worked very hard together on the January 6 committee. She and I are not the same politically. She’s a Conservative Republican. I’m not. There are a lot of policy issues we don’t agree on. One thing we do agree on is the rule of law and protecting the Constitution. And that’s why we worked so hard on the January 6th Committee. Her statement is going to be important for a lot of people. She is so steeped in the Republican Party.”

She added, “I remember there were meetings that we would have during the January 6 Committee and we were in a conference room. As we were sitting there, I looked on the wall and realized there was a picture of her father and the president on the wall. That’s her roots. She is so Republican in that she would say the only way to honor our Constitution is not just to not vote for Trump, but to vote for the only real alternative, Kamala Harris, is significant. I think it’s brave on the part of Liz. Once again, something I deeply respect about her.”

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