IRS Whistleblower Shapley: ‘We Need a Special Counsel’ to Investigate Weiss, Garland

On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “The Story,” IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley stated that Hunter Biden special counsel U.S. Attorney David Weiss has no credibility and called for “a special counsel to investigate this investigation. And that includes the actions of U.S. Attorney Weiss, Attorney General Garland, the statements made to Congress, the letters sent to Congress.”

Shapley said, “So, for David Weiss to continue on in this — as a special counsel in this investigation just raises so many questions for the American people. His credibility is just nonexistent at this point. He played his cards in this investigation. He decided what was going to be charged. He was, at one point — based on the information released from this weekend — was, at one point, not even going to charge him. And he was the part of the investigation that allowed the investigative steps not to occur.”

Later, he added, “Well, what we really need is we need a special counsel to investigate this investigation. And that includes the actions of U.S. Attorney Weiss, Attorney General Garland, the statements made to Congress, the letters sent to Congress. Over and over again, as information comes out, it’s proven that what they told the American people, what they told the Congress was not accurate. And, at the end of the day, I came forward for the American people and I put myself at risk with the American people. And, at the end of the day, they need to be confident that this investigation is actually looked at independently and fairly.”

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