Behar: Fox News ‘Should Not Be Broadcasting Lies to Our Military’

Joy Behar told her co-hosts Wednesday on ABC’s “The View” that Fox News should not be allowed to broadcast “lies to our military” in light of their lawsuit settlement with Dominion Voting Systems.

Partial transcript as follows: 

BEHAR: They know they were lying, the lawsuit was pending, and Tucker Carlson continued to lie about January 6. Through all this entire time, he’s still on the air lying that it was just some tourist event that went on that day. So, he’s like a sick – a sick pathological liar that cannot be controlled. The audience loves to be – His audience likes to be lied to. You know that song; tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies.

And the other thing. One more point, you know that Fox is broadcasted on military bases. Now, that is a tax-funded facility. Those are tax-funded facilities. They should not be broadcasting lies to our military. We are paying for that. Those boys and girls are going out there, defending this country, risking their lives, and they’re being fed lies on a regular basis! That needs to be changed immediately!

SUNNY HOSTIN: And by the way, being radicalized. Being radicalized by what they’re hearing and what they’re listening – I mean, I have family members that watch Fox News exclusively. And I’ve admitted this before. I hate to admit it but I admit it. And the facts they try to tell me is just – is just lies. Just unbelievable but they believe it. I have family members that have moved out of the country – out of New York because they believe some of the lies.

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