Delingpole: Djokovic Has Exposed Australia as World’s Biggest Joke
Regardless of what happens from this point on, Djokovic will be the winner, and the Australian government very much the loser.

Regardless of what happens from this point on, Djokovic will be the winner, and the Australian government very much the loser.
“It’s time for London’s unvaccinated to pay with their freedoms, not ours”, said David Cameron’s sister-in-law in a hard-hitting editorial for the Evening Standard, a London free-sheet widely used in cat litter trays across the Metropolis.
Do you think when I destroy monstrosities I’m going to get let off by the courts, as has just happened to four trustafarian types?
The absolute state of bestowing one of your highest possible honours on the Worst Living Englishman! We are held in nothing but contempt.
From the Mainstream Media, to the Conservative Party, to wimpy Libertarians, so many haven’t covered themselves with glory this year…
Carrie Johnson (nee Symonds), the blonde wife/minder of current British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, is going to make a Netflix documentary.
If arguably the most loathsome and pointless creature on the planet thinks they’re idiots then they must be doing something right.
The Archbishop of Canterbury has pushed Christian theology to the very limit by claiming that Jesus would have wanted everyone to get vaccinated. Justin Welby, an Eton-educated former oil executive, now unaccountably Britain’s most senior churchman, was speaking in response
Britain’s increasingly ugly, bought and paid for tabloid media is ramping up its war against so-called ‘vaccine refuseniks’ and it is starting to get really vicious and unpleasant.
What we saw in parliament wasn’t democracy in action but rather the ghost of a charade of a pantomime of a mockery of democracy…
Durham Cathedral is insisting on Covid passes for its Christmas services. But some are asking whether this is what Jesus would have wanted.
Everyone (well, everyone even vaguely interested in UK politics) is talking about the secret Christmas party held last year in 10 Downing Street, apparently in defiance of lockdown and mask regulations. But there’s lots about this story that just doesn’t add up.
Perhaps the cocaine clampdown should start at the Palace of Westminster which makes Scarface look like The Muppet Christmas Carol…
A young Australian woman has claimed in a video interview that she was forcibly detained for two weeks in a Covid internment camp, despite not having the virus.
Some of the thousands of Afghan refugees who have been resettled in the UK since the Allied withdrawal pose a security risk. It could be a few of them or it could be a lot of them but we don’t know how many because, we learn from a Freedom of Information request made by Breitbart’s Jack Montgomery, the Home Office is apparently too embarrassed to tell us, claiming it would not be in “the public interest”.
BA has temporarily suspended flights to Hong Kong in order to avoid the risk of any more crews being sent to a notorious quarantine centre.
The Girl Guides reportedly appointed a man who identifies as a woman who had posted a photo of himself online wearing a bondage outfit…
Quarantine camps for the unvaxed. What had been dismissed as idle conspiracy is now coming horribly true in Australia’s Northern Territory.
What makes this so inexcusable is that the Church appears to be fully aware of what is going on.
The show is over. It ended, appropriately enough, with the absurd spectacle of a man shedding crocodile tears over the failure to ban coal.
On Armistice Day, 58,000 care home workers who lovingly tendered our old folk throughout the pandemic have been booted out of their jobs.
The farmer, car-enthusiast and controversialist’s remarks have prompted the usual confected outrage from the usual subjects.
It’s quite possible that Starkey’s opinions were coloured by his childhood misery suffering from polio.
World leaders and vast entourages arriving in fleets of private jets is meant to awe the gullible into beliving ‘climate crisis’ is urgent.
The more disgusting, venal, incompetent, and destructive our political class grows, the more it wants to clamp down on our ability to tell us what we think of it. Funny that.
Owen Paterson MP has resigned after a trumped-up scandal in which he was accused of bringing parliament into disrepute.
If you want to understand why Britain’s backbench MPs have been so thoroughly useless at holding the government to account, look no further than the appalling case of Owen Paterson.
The big mistake with Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s budget is to take it seriously. But all British mainstream media commentators have, even the economically astute Allister Heath in the Telegraph, who has described it as “a historic, epoch-defining rise in public spending financed by ruinous tax increases.”
COP26 has begun in Glasgow, Scotland, as it will surely go on for the next fortnight: in chaos and disaster. Just like the infamous COP15 in 2009 in Copenhagen, which preached ‘global warming’ but was blanketed in snow, COP26 is a perfect storm of stupid.
A hard-left “news” site called Novara Media was briefly cancelled by YouTube. Among those calling most loudly for its reinstatement were the people it most hates: “right-wing” and “libertarian” media commentators. Why?
On the eve of the COP26 climate summit debacle comes a convenient study: the “consensus” on man-made climate change has apparently rocketed to “greater than 99 per cent.”
A leading Australian political cartoonist has been sacked by his newspaper after likening the enforcement of vaccine mandates in the former British colony to Tiananmen Square.
UK PM Boris Johnson spouts green crap on a daily basis to promote the upcoming COP26 debacle but I don’t think he believes a word of it.
The act gives sweeping powers under the pretext that Britain is experiencing a crisis so catastrophic it justifies government by fiat.
But what’s good for Westminster is by no means necessarily good for the democratic freedoms of the people they supposedly represent.
Not a day goes by without the uncritical mainstream media running yet another Climate Industrial Complex propaganda piece.
The police reportedly denied access to a Catholic priest who wanted to give the Last Rites to Sir David Amess MP after his fatal stabbing.
What makes the murder of Sir David Amess MP even more horrible, depressing, and cruel is that he was definitely one of the good guys.
Obviously this is a headline that could have been written any time in at least the last 30 years. But someone needs to remind the toxic, airheaded nincompoop that he doesn’t speak for all of us. And since no one is going to say this anywhere in the fawning, worthless and obsolete legacy media, I guess the job will have to fall to me…
Doctors should think less about the health of their patients and more about the health of the planet, an editorial in the BMJ (formerly the British Medical Journal) has urged.