ABC’s Bruce: Dems Will Put Trump Under ‘Microscope,’ ‘Launch Investigations’ if They Win House

Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,”  senior congressional correspondent Mary Bruce said if Democrats win the majority in the House of Representatives on Tuesday’s midterm election, they will put President Donald Trump “under a microscope.”

Bruce said, “If Democrats do take the House they’re going to put the Trump administration under an intense microscope. They are likely to launch investigations into everything from conflicts of interests to the president’s tax returns and of course the issue of Russian collusion. Democrats feel that this administration has been able to act unchecked, and that is likely to come to a screeching halt. But there is a political risk here for Democrats. They’ll have to show they can legislate not just investigate.”

She added, “So first up, expect them to pass something to address the issue of corruption in government,” said Bruce optimistically. “Democrats are well aware that Americans are fed up with Washington. And they’re going to want to send a message that there’s a new sheriff here in town.”

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