Watch–Trump: ‘Tidal Wave’ of Illegal Immigration, Crime Coming If Democrats Win Midterms

President Trump says a “tidal wave” of crime, illegal immigration, and drugs would flood into the United States if a plan by Senate Democrats is ever implemented.

During a campaign rally for Kansas gubernatorial candidate Kris Kobach in Topeka, Kansas, Trump called out Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) plan for open borders that every Senate Democrat has announced they support.

“Every single Democrat in the U.S. Senate has signed up for the open borders, and it’s a bill, it’s called the open borders bill, what’s going on and it’s written by… guess who? Dianne Feinstein,” Trump said.

“If the Democrats’ bill ever becomes law, a tidal wave of drugs and crime would pour into our nation like never, ever before,” Trump continued. “Democrats also support deadly sanctuary cities that release violent predators and blood-thirsty killers like MS-13 into our communities.”

Kobach echoed Trump’s denouncing of Democrats’ support for illegal immigration, saying, “It’s time to put Kansans first, not illegal aliens.”

“Republicans believe our country should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not criminal aliens,” Trump said. “And Republicans stand proudly with the brave men and women of ICE, Border Patrol, and law enforcement.”

Feinstein’s legislation would abolish and end all immigration and border enforcement across the U.S., allowing the 12 to 30 million illegal aliens living in the country and all future illegal aliens to be free to travel back and forth across the hemisphere without enforcement or protections for Americans.

The plan would also likely ban any and all federal arrests of illegal aliens. The legislation has earned the nickname, the “Child Trafficking Encouragement Act,” as it allows illegal alien smugglers to freely traffic children into the U.S. without the fear of arrest.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder


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