Laura Ingraham on Trump Endorsement of Luther Strange in AL Sen Race: ‘Weird’


Wednesday on her nationally syndicated radio show, conservative talker Laura Ingraham reacted to President Donald Trump’s decision to endorse Sen. Luther Strange (R-AL) in the U.S. Senate special election GOP primary scheduled for Tuesday in Alabama.

Strange, who is facing opposition primarily from former Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore and Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), received Trump’s endorsement via Twitter late on Tuesday.

Ingraham, who endorsed Brooks earlier this year, called Trump’s decision “weird” given Strange was Senate Majority Mitch McConnell (R-KY) pick for the seat and his back-and-forth with McConnell over the repeal of Obamacare.

“President Trump came out and endorsed Luther Strange in that Alabama special election for Jeff Sessions’ seat,” Ingraham said. “Now Luther Strange was appointed, so he’s the incumbent for the time being. But there’s all these other people running, including Mo Brooks, and Judge Roy Moore is running. So they’re probably going to have to have a runoff because no one will get a majority.”

“But Donald Trump came out and endorsed the incumbent, more of an establishment guy, Luther Strange,” she continued. “That is very interesting because that is Mitch McConnell’s favorite pick. So Mo Brooks, who a bunch of us endorsed on the other side of that – weird.”

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