SNL Makes Fun of Carson for Homosexuality Remarks

NBC’s “Saturday Night Live” mocked Ben Carson for his comments about homosexuality during their “Weekend Update” segment.

Michael Che commented, “potential Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson, a neurosurgeon, said this week that homosexuality is a choice because many people go to prison straight, and when they come out, they’re gay. Kind of like how in that last sentence, Dr. Carson went in as a neurosurgeon and came out as a complete idiot.”

Colin Jost added that Carson “made the comments to himself, over and over, in the men’s locker room,” with Che saying that Carson stated homosexuality is a choice, but “unfortunately for him, so are elections.”

The two then said that perhaps they were piling on, before Jost concluded with “this just in! Dr. Ben Carson, a candidate for president, is no longer a candidate for president.”

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