Sitting Vice President Kamala Harris has refused to talk with far-left Time Magazine about her “policy vision” for America.

This, of course, did not stop Time from publishing a mostly-gushing, 3,300-plus word article that purports to answer the question of its headline: “What Kind of President Would Kamala Harris Be?”

Yes, my friends, Democrats sure got it good.

But to anyone who believes in democracy and transparency, the only two sentences in those 3,300 words that matter are the following:

Harris declined repeated requests for an interview for this story. In contrast, Trump talked about his policy vision with a TIME reporter for 90 minutes across two interviews.

Naturally, that scandalous information is buried at the bottom of the paragraph nine.

But why should World Salad Kammy bother? After all, she could back a truck of sewage up to the Time Magazine headquarters, unload it in the executive offices while cackling like the Joker, and in the next edition these cucks would still kiss her ass.

RELATED — “IT’S TWO LETTERS”: VP Kamala Harris Breaks Down Artificial Intelligence in Her Infinite Wisdom

Here’s what I mean: “Once upon a time, presidential candidates compared health care plans or tax policies when competing for votes. These days, a policy-heavy campaign can weigh you down,” explains Time. “Which is one reason Harris’ approach may be a winning strategy.”


This approach, more than any ideology or economic theory, animates Harris’ style of governance. How does policy feel to the people who are experiencing it? One aide recalls a conversation about transportation infrastructure in which the Vice President asked how the outcome would work for a mother pushing her stroller down the street. Another ally recalls how, after hearing small-business owners tick off the burdens of paperwork, Harris worked to automate the way small businesses pay taxes. When discussing abortion restrictions, she often describes how painful it must be for a patient to wait in line at TSA while flying out of state to get reproductive care. “She puts a tremendous amount of capital on having people make sure they’ve really thought through the everyday life and experience of Americans,” says Kosoglu.

Here’s the weepy closer:

As Harris left her economic-policy speech at Carnegie Mellon, students lined up along the street, waiting silently for her motorcade. As the line of black cars passed the crowd, Harris appeared in the window, waving through the glass, her face framed by the window like a living postage stamp. The crowd began to cheer, and the girl standing next to me began to cry. Her name was Noemi Barbagli, an 18-year-old with long curly hair. I asked Barbagli if there was a particular policy proposal of Harris’ that excited her. “Honestly? Not that much,” she said. “She brings a lot of hope and optimism. I know what I don’t like about Donald Trump.”

So why should Harris take 90 minutes out of her day to talk to Time when the cucks will still dry-hump her dumb ass into the 21st century’s Rosa Parks, will spin her refusal to explain her agenda as a virtue?

We saw this with Obama — Battered Media Syndrome. It didn’t matter how poorly Barry treated the media. It didn’t matter how much he abused or ignored them. The media loved him so-so-so-so much, they didn’t care. At least when he was abusing them, he  was acknowledging their existence, and in the end, that’s all that mattered to them.

RELATED — WORDS OF WISDOM: Kamala Harris Struggles for 45 Seconds to Define “Culture”

It wasn’t always like this. Although the corporate media have always been left-leaning, there was a time when even Democrats paid a price for not paying by the media’s assigned rules. Twenty or 30 years ago, no way in hell could Kamala have gotten away with not holding a serious press conference or refusing to verify her McDonald’s employment. Today, she can, and this is a key reason why the corporate media have become increasingly irrelevant…

You see, a Democrat knows that they no longer need to deal with the media to earn that very same media’s glowing coverage.


A Republican knows that if they bother to play by the media’s rules, there’s no point, no upside. They will always be Hitler.

John Nolte’s first and last novel, Borrowed Time, is winning five-star raves from everyday readers. You can read an excerpt here and an in-depth review here. Also available in hardcover and on Kindle and Audiobook