Nolte: Incoming Execs at Disgraced CBS News Ready to ‘Blow the Place Up’

Larry Ellison, chairman of Oracle Corporation and chief technology officer, watches from t
AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill

The smug, unaccountable, and corrupt executives running the disgraced CBS News might not be smug and unaccountable for much longer, per the New York Post.

In the space of just a few days, far-left CBS and its once-respected news program, 60 Minutes, managed to disgrace itself in a number of ways.

We learned that CBS News has told its staff not to acknowledge the naked fact that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.

We watched in real-time as CBS Mornings co-anchor Tony Dokoupil was publicly humiliated and chastised for an act of journalism involving his tough but fair interview of half-witted, antisemite Ta-Nehisi Coates. Dokoupil was later forced into a fascist struggle session until he expressed his “regrets” over doing his job.

Finally, there was the blatant act of fraud committed by 60 Minutes to erase a widely ridiculed answer sitting Vice President Kamala Harris gave to a question about Israel. In the original answer, Word Salad Kammy blah-blah-blahed like she usually does. But when the interview aired on 60 Minutes, the producers replaced the original answer with a more decisive one. Although busted red-handed, 60 Minutes still refuses to release the full and unedited transcript of the interview.

Well, according to the New York Post’s Charles Gasparino, a new sheriff in the form of Oracle founder Larry Ellison, along with his son David Ellison who owns production company Skydance, are “thinking about blowing the place up.”

After the $28 billion sale to Skydance goes through next year, Larry Ellison will own 77.5 percent of Paramount’s controlling shareholder, National Amusements, and this ownership includes CBS News.

Larry Ellison is “one of the world’s richest men, and one of the most pro-Israel executives in corporate America,” Gasparino wrote. “He’s buds with Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu.”

“What exactly ‘blowing the place up’ means, no one knows for sure,” Gasparino added. “Will it result in the defenestration of CBS News CEO Wendy McMahon and news-gathering chief Adrienne Roark, both of whom presided over the in-house thrashing of Dokoupil?” Or… “Could it be the creation of a new ethics department — one devoid of DEI lunacy?”

“The good news is the Ellisons and their partners … [are] said to be united that the CBS woke show must end, I am told by people who know their thinking,” Gasparino concluded.

I appreciate the optimism, but how many times have we been told a corporate media outlet will clean up its act under new ownership and management only to see the new boss act just like the old boss?

There is something about the corporate media culture that is intractable, a form of forever-bureaucracy that successfully resists all reforms. One way it does this, of course, is to annihilate reformers, as we just saw happen at the far-left Washington Post.

Let me tell you how this will play out…

Before Larry and David Ellison, take over CBS News, before the executives can institute a single reform, the corporate media will launch a jihad of lies and half-baked scandal against them, just like we saw happen to the reformers at the Washington Post.

If the Ellisons want to truly reform CBS News, they will be blackmailed, humiliated, and turned into America’s number one villain. What the corporate media can’t do, the federal government’s Deep State will. The Department of Justice will launch investigations, the FBI will raid, local prosecutors will prosecute. Just ask former President Donald Trump what happens when you threaten the establishment. Then ask Elon Musk. Then ask those poor bastards who tried to fix the Washington Post.

Name one corporate media outlet that has reformed… Just one. You can’t. Even as they face the abyss of bankruptcy and irrelevance, the Woke Nazis in the corporate media remain ruthless and unscrupulous enforcers.

John Nolte’s first and last novel, Borrowed Time, is winning five-star raves from everyday readers. You can read an excerpt here and an in-depth review here. Also available in hardcover and on Kindle and Audiobook


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