Nolte: Taylor Lorenz Out at WaPo after Lying About Branding Biden ‘War Criminal’

Taylor Lorenz attends's Galentine's Day brunch with Lightbox he
Emma McIntyre/Getty for

Six weeks ago, serial fabricator Taylor Lorenz brought even more grief to the far-left, money-losing Washington Post after she branded Joe Biden a “war criminal” and was then caught lying about it. Well, we have an update: Lorenz and the Post have now parted ways.

In mid-August, Lorenz, an aging and pampered anti-free speech fascist, took a selfie with Biden in the background during a White House event. She then added the caption “war criminal” directly below Biden and fired it off to some of her Instagram pals.

After news of this leaked, she xweeted, “You people will fall for any dumbass edit someone makes.”

Obviously, Lorenz was implying that “someone” added the “edit” to her photo, someone other than her.

After far-left NPR verified she had in fact originated the “war criminal” caption, Lorenz tried to claim she never said it was fake. This was followed by some Kamala-esque word salad…

“I literally never ‘denied it was real,’” she xweeted: “Yeah that’s saying they’re falling for (charitable view) something that’s an obvious meme reference by taking it seriously. Please don’t put words in my mouth[.]”

Whatever that means…

The last we heard was that the Post was looking into it. That was six weeks ago, and now Lorenz-the-Doxxer is no longer a Washington Post employee and is about to open a Substack.

“I just wanted to get out of legacy media. I feel like it’s just really, really difficult to do the kind of reporting that I want to do on the internet within these kind of older institutions as a primary job,” Lorenz tells The Hollywood Reporter in an interview. “I like to have a really interactive relationship with my audience. I like to be very vocal online, obviously. And I just think all of that is really hard to do in the roles that are available at these legacy institutions.”

The Hollywood Reporter quoted her further, but I “reimagined” it a bit, as they say. (Words in brackets are mine):

“[While wearing a mask in my cat-filled apartment my Daddy pays for,] I will be [doxxing] people and [lying about pretty much everything], from weird online phenomena, to under-the-radar trends, to platform developments, to policy initiatives, to the powerful forces that shape our online world,” Lorenz wrote in a post introducing [her dumb Substack].

Did she really just want to get out of the legacy media, or was she told that if she left the legacy media without putting up a stink, the legacy media would allow her to say she just wanted to get out of the legacy media?

That’s the thing about neurotic harpies like Lorenz… You can’t believe anything she says, especially something as potentially self-serving as this.

Besides, the timing is suspect. After all the scandal she’s already brought to the failing Washington Post, she’s caught lying about this “war criminal” thing and then no longer employed.

With the shape the Post is in, if Lorenz had controlled her lying for a bit, she probably could’ve started her dumb Substack with a buyout package.

John Nolte’s first and last novel, Borrowed Time, is winning five-star raves from everyday readers. You can read an excerpt here and an in-depth review here. Also available in hardcover and on Kindle and Audiobook


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