Eileen Gu dumped America to run off and win a gold medal for China’s Nazis, and NBC Sports just can’t stop praising that decision.

What you are about to watch and hear below is beyond the comprehension of anyone with a moral compass, anyone with even scant knowledge of China’s human rights atrocities:

RELEVANT EXCERPTS: …her mother, who is Chinese, she decided, ‘You know what, I’m going to represent that country and try to get the sport further to the women of China. And ever since she came on the scene a couple years ago, she has been The Thing: fluent in Mandarin, grew up taking yearly trips to Beijing in the summer with the mother who was born there, and she just found a small community at an indoor resort in Beijing that has a trampoline, and that’s where she’d go to practice. And so, she’s kind of like returning the love, the favor back to the home nation, but that country is going to fall in love with Eileen Gu….

Eileen Gu from San Francisco, California, just 18, representing her mother’s home nation of China … where she will be an absolute PR superstar. One of the fastest rising, growing stars in China representing free skiing and around the world.

And on and on and on it goes… Beyond grotesque… Before we get into it, a couple of points… The first is that Gu deserves praise for her athletic ability. No one begrudges her that. The second is that no one expects NBC Sports, or anyone, to shame a Chinese athlete for competing for China. That is their country.

Eileen Gu is something entirely different.

Genocide Barbie is a left-wing American who, although she still lives in the U.S., voluntarily turned herself over to China’s Nazis to become a public relations trophy. She snubbed her own country, and, although she is well aware of the horrors committed by China’s Nazis, has justified on social media her willingness to become a propaganda figure for the genocidal Nazis as she …

…declared herself “proud” to represent the regime, expressed hope that extreme sports could become “a means through which people in China and the United States can enhance their communication, understanding and friendship” — and then wrote a follow-up post in which she portrayed herself as a soldier reporting for duty.

Despite these nauseating displays, Gu today insists she is a non-political citizen-of-the-world whose goal is to bring China and the U.S. together with her love of sports.

“I am proud of my heritage, and equally proud of my American upbringings,” she said in the June 2019 Instagram post in which she informed American fans of her decision to play for China in the Olympics.

Gu’s only excuse is that she’s 18 years old, and 18-year-olds tend to be stupid and self-involved. NBC, however, has no excuse. The horrors the genocidal Chinese have committed against the people of China, most especially the Uyghur Muslims, are well-documented and beyond reprehensible.

Nevertheless, here’s NBC Sports gushing over this ignorant Genocide Barbie, not only for her athletic abilities, but for her decision to voluntarily become a propaganda trophy for a government guilty of one human rights atrocity after another.

This is reminiscent of how the American media propagandized for and covered up the horrors committed by the old Soviet Union, terrors and murders beyond anything Hitler was guilty of.

You know, I grew up in the 80s, in a very different America, where the media, Hollywood, Big Business, and sports figures were part of a righteous shaming campaign against apartheid in South Africa.

But just look at NBC’s Nazi appeasers now… How many more millions of people does China have to kill, herd into concentrations camps, forcibly sterilize, and torture, before the corporate media grows something resembling a conscience and journalistic integrity?

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