ESPN’s Domonique Foxworth admitted to on Tuesday getting “happy” when Buffalo bills quarterback Josh Allen does something “dumb.” Not because he has anything against Allen, but more so because he has an issue with Allen’s flag-waving fans and their dogs.

The former Falcon and current ESPN personality made the bizarre comments during an appearance on the Bomani Jones podcast. Specifically, Foxworth remarked that his own “biases” prompted him to dislike Allen’s fans.

“I am fully aware that I have biases,” Foxworth explained. “And my biases are not based on Josh Allen. It’s based on the people that are defending Josh Allen. I would be 100 percent lying if I said that when Josh does something dumb, a little part of me doesn’t get happy. And it’s not because I don’t want Josh to succeed.”

“It’s because the people who are telling me that Josh is the second coming and Josh is better than everybody are people with American flags and dogs and skulls and crossbones. … If you go just take a dip into their tweet history, it’s some really concerning retweets and likes. … It’s not about Josh,” he said.

“Generally, I’m pro-player and I’m looking for ways to understand a player’s position and defend a player. But in Josh’s case, it’s not about him. He is the ground on which we are fighting.”

Where to begin?

Josh Allen is white. Domonique Foxworth is black. If a white ESPN commentator had said that he felt good every time a black quarterback did something “dumb.” Not because of the quarterback, but because of all of his supporters and their Black Lives Matter pics, that white ESPN commentator would no longer have a job.

Domonique Foxworth can claim to not be rooting against Allen all he wants. However, his completely insane comments regarding white quarterbacks are beginning to become a pattern. Back in November, Foxworth told the crew on Get Up, that Jameis Winston “makes the Saints potentially more dangerous and a better Super Bowl contending team than Drew Brees.”

Thinking something like this is a sign of extreme stupidity. Saying it out loud to a national television audience should have been a fireable offense. However, at the time, absent any other mind-numbingly insane takes, it was received and dismissed as just another attempt by another ESPN hot-take artist trying to make a name for himself.

Now, couple this together with Foxworth’s confession that he gets “happy” when a white quarterback does something “dumb” because of all those American flag loving fans and their dogs, and a pattern of irrational commentary on the subject of white quarterbacks begins to emerge.

A completely plausible explanation for all this is that Foxworth is just trying too hard. Making increasingly irrational statements on hot-button issues to stand out from his peers.

Regardless of the motivation, however, he’s definitely letting his “biases” show.