Geraldo Rivera: Back Social Justice and Cops; ‘Condemn Anarchy’

AP Photo/Richard Drew, file

Social justice is a “noble” cause Americans should support, but at the same time, we should “support our cops” and “condemn” the anarchists who hijacked the Black Lives Matter movement, journalist Geraldo Rivera said Monday.

Rivera said in a video posted to Twitter Monday that when President Donald Trump deployed federal agents to stop the violence, the violence got worse, revealing that these “protesters” were really “anarchists” hell-bent on destruction instead of seeking justice:

“These protesters, in response, are absolutely proving themselves to be bent on destruction, not healing,” Rivera said. “They want to cause trouble. They don’t want to solve the trouble.”

“So back social justice, but condemn these violent anarchists. And support cops, for God sakes. Support cops. They are the thin blue line separating society and civilization from anarchy and lawlessness,” he added.

Meanwhile, many of these violent anarchists have caused trouble in riot-filled cities such as Seattle, where 59 police officers were injured this past week alone, and in Portland, Oregon, where demonstrators burned the city out of protest.


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