Geraldo Rivera Compares Trump to Gen. Patton: ‘Epic’ Coronavirus Response ‘Is Getting the Job Done’

FOX News Correspondent Geraldo Rivera attends the Fox News Channel 10th Anniversary celebr
Peter Kramer/Getty Images

Monday on his Roadkill podcast, Fox News Channel anchor Geraldo Rivera compared President Donald Trump to General George Patton, as he lavished praise on his “epic” effort to eradicate the Chinese coronavirus.

A partial transcript is as follows: 

GERALDO RIVERA: I know that many Trump-haters are clearly frustrated right now because most of the American people – 60 percent in that Gallup poll – most of the America people, many of whom did not vote for Donald Trump, approve of what I think is an epic job, that he is doing to mitigate the coronavirus catastrophe. I grant you that he is flamboyant, and that he is unrestrained – but, so was General Patton in World War II. We have the right warrior for this fight. He’s not perfect. But, he’s getting the job done.

And when we passed Italy, with over 100,000 now infected, now 135,000 testing positive, Hillary Clinton tweeted what I think an obscenity. She tweeted a joke, a dirty joke, that said: “He did promise America First.” That was her tweet. How dare she? I know she’s a wonderful public servant and has been for secretary of state, as senator of New York state, as first lady of the United States, first lady of Arkansas. She filled many historic roles, but this glib cheapshot and many more people, more quietly, share that same cynicism.


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