Nolte: Russia Hoax Queen Rachel Maddow’s Ratings Crash to Trump-Era Low

MUNCIE, IN - DECEMBER 02: Rachel Maddow discusses the headlines of the day in Emens Audito
Ron Hoskins/Getty

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow has lost 500,000 viewers and suffered her worst ratings month since Trump became president, reports Fox News.

During the first quarter of 2019, prior to the release of the Mueller Report (which debunked the media’s Russia Collusion Hoax and proved Trump did not obstruct justice), Maddow averaged 3.1 million nightly viewers. Last month, after the release of the Mueller Report (which debunked the media’s Russia Collusion Hoax and proved Trump did not obstruct justice), she averaged only 2.6 million viewers.

That’s a loss of a half-million viewers.


Overall, at least until Mueller released his report (that debunked the media’s Russia Collusion Hoax and proved Trump did not obstruct justice), Maddow was in a neck-and-neck race with the Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity for the cable news ratings crown.

There is no question, though, that the release of the Mueller Report (which debunked the media’s Russia Collusion Hoax and proved Trump did not obstruct justice) dramatically altered the ground under the Russia Hoax Queen’s feet.

Instead of making Hannity sweat, Maddow is now struggling not to fall into fourth place. Last month she lost to Hannity and Tucker Carlson and barely topped Laura Ingraham.

Maddow’s ratings remain good. There is nothing embarrassing about being the number three show in all of cable news. But the era of her dominance is over, the era of Maddow being a phenomenon is over.

So what happened…?

Let me count the ways…

All 17 of them

As I wrote at the beginning of May:

Maddow did not just spend the last two years spreading serial lies and paranoia, she is now lying about her lying. For instance, even though we have the video to prove otherwise, a couple of weeks ago Maddow tried to gaslight her audience into believing she “refused to let myself think about” the compromising video tapes (that don’t exist) we were told Putin had of President Trump.

In other words: credibility, credibility, credibility…

Maddow spent two years juicing her ratings by promising her gullible audience she had the goods on Trump, that she alone could connect the Russia Collusion dots, that she was guaranteeing Trump not only colluded with Russia, but that he will be impeached, arrested, and jailed as a traitor.

For two years this grifter strung her audience along with the promise that tonight’s show will be the Trump killshot…

But it was all bullshit, all lies, all desperate paranoid delusions of collusion invented by con woman/conspiracy theorist who got high sniffing her own press clippings.

Sure, Maddow still has a sizable audience, but 500,000 of her viewers have finally had enough, finally got tired of being lied to, finally figured out they were being played for rubes.

Meanwhile, it is Maddow’s rival, Sean Hannity, who, along with a handful of great reporters and analysts, got it right. For the last two-plus years Hannity and company have done a masterful job debunking the media’s Russia Collusion Hoax using straight reporting, facts, and old-fashioned digging.

No one who watches Hannity was shocked by the Mueller Report (which debunked the media’s Russia Collusion Hoax and proved Trump did not obstruct justice).

Maddow’s viewers, however, were floored when Mueller Time! finally arrived. They were gobsmacked, knocked out, demoralized, devastated, and inconsolable because they never saw it coming because they were stupid enough to believe their Russia Hoax Queen had pieced it all together.

And for all 17 of those reasons, Maddow will never be the same…

She looks foolish now, exposed, and that is something almost impossible to overcome or to live down. Her intellectual bravado comes off a little hollow now, a little shrill… She’s not the old tried, true, and confident Rachel Maddow anymore and she never will be; no one is after they grift away their credibility and integrity.

Maddow is so tarnished now, the far-left New York TimesNew York Times!refuses to allow its reporters to spear on her show. And this ban has nothing to do with her being a left-wing opinion host. The Times still allows its reporters to appear with other left-wing opinion hosts, like CNN’s Jake Tapper — even though Tapper’s ratings are about a fourth of what Maddow still delivers.

The problem is that Maddow is damaged goods, damaged beyond repair, a fool and a liar exposed beyond redemption.

Oh, she could fix a lot of this damage by asking for redemption, by apologizing to her viewers and  promising them this will never happen again and that she will once again show some respect for the presumption of innocence and only stick to the facts. But if she does all of that she will become a conservative, and that’s never gunna happen.

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