CNN’s April Ryan: Omarosa’s ‘N-Word’ Claim Was Revenge Against Aretha Franklin

Omarosa Manigault
Associated Press

CNN’s April Ryan is claiming former White House staffer Omarosa Manigault accused President Trump of using the N-word in order to maliciously overshadow the death of soul legend Aretha Franklin.

With no facts to back up her wild theory, and in an interview filled with partisan attacks against Trump and White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, Ryan told the far-left Hollywood Reporter Manigault deliberately timed the teasing of her discredited claim about the existence of an N-word tape “because Aretha Franklin didn’t want her at her birthday party. That’s how vindictive Omarosa is.”

In February of 2017, there were reports that Ryan and Manigault, who was then serving as a White House communications official, exchanged some ugly words. Eventually Ryan would call for the Secret Service to investigate Manigault (the two were once friends).

“She stood right in my face like she was going to hit me,” Ryan said at the time. “I said, ‘You better back up.’ … She thought I would be bullied. I won’t be.”

Ryan went on to declare the incident “Secret Serviceable.”

Omarosa declared Ryan’s story “fake news.”

Not content to blame Omarosa for intentionally stepping on the news of Franklin’s death, the Trump-hating Ryan, presumably speaking for all black people, also told the Hollywood Reporter:

People still don’t like [Omarosa], but they’re willing to sit back and eat the popcorn and watch them shoot at each other, Donald Trump and Omarosa shoot at each other…. We don’t want to see her called a “dog” by the president, but we don’t trust her. She has done a lot of dirt, and people don’t forget…..

Omarosa said a long time ago that she’d never be poor again. And if this is her way to be big and grand so she won’t be poor, so be it. She’ll throw anybody under the bus to get a dollar, and to have herself shine. So, more power to her…. People will be around for the spectacle, and she is providing a spectacle.

What’s more, and again without providing any proof, the CNN talking head claimed she has received “death threats” and was forced to hire a bodyguard, which she wants Sarah Sanders to pay for.

“I’ve had death threats… Do I have a bodyguard? Yes, I do. Am I paying for it? Yes, I am. And, I think [Sanders] should have to pay for it, especially if she’s stirring it up with her boss.”

One is left to wonder why CNN would not pay for Ryan’s bodyguard.

Regardless, usually when CNN staffers spreads conspiracy theories and fake news about Trump, which is pretty much every day, it is in an effort to damage him.

But Ryan, who is seen by many as not being very bright, appears to so despise Omarosa that she just accidentally defended Trump with the claim the whole N-word controversy was a ploy so Omarosa  could exact revenge against Franklin over a birthday party snub.

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