Facebook Fact-Checker Snopes Employs Leftists Almost Exclusively–Daily Caller

Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images

Alex Pfeiffer and Pater Hasson write at the Daily Caller:

Snopes, which will now have the power to declare what news is or is not legitimate on the world’s largest online platform, almost exclusively employs leftists.

Facebook announced Thursday that myth-busting website Snopes will be one of a few fact-checking organizations allowed to label stories as “fake news.”

Almost all of the writers churning out fact checks for Snopes have a liberal background, and many of them have expressed contempt for Republican voters. The Daily Caller could not identify a single Snopes fact-checker who comes from a conservative background. Snopes did not respond to a list of questions from TheDC regarding the site’s ideological leaning.

You can read the rest of the story here.


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