WAPO: Gun Deaths Will Not Abate Until We Outlaw ‘Weapons of War’

AK-47-assault-weapons  Scott OlsonGetty
Scott Olson/Getty

On December 1 The Washington Post listed a number of causes behind firearm-related deaths in the United States but suggested that those deaths will not abate until laws are passed to ban “weapons of war.”

The phrase “weapons of war” is a highly subjective term that WAPO credited President Obama with using on November 28 in a speech about the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood attack. NBC News reported that the gunman in that attack, Robert Lewis Dear, used an “AK-style” firearm, which is simply a semiautomatic rifle – a rifle that shoots one round every time the trigger is pressed. But Obama’s militarized language lends itself to describing the gun in ominous tones.

Obama did the same thing following the heinous attack at Sandy Hook Elementary, where Adam Lanza used a stolen gun to take 26 innocent lives. Bloomberg.com reported that Obama described the stolen AR-15 rifle as a “weapon of war,” although it is simply a semiautomatic firearm like the “AK-style” rifles that are so popular with civilians.

The push to denote such guns as “weapons of war” is simply part of a larger effort to nudge the American public toward gun control and shame Congress into revisiting an “assault weapons” ban. And to accomplish this, a focus on the evils of the gunmen–Lanza in Newtown and Dear in CO Springs–is traded for a relentless enumeration of the reasons Democrats believe semiautomatic rifles like the AR-15 and AK-47 should be banned.

And the WAPO is right there with the Democrats, suggesting the trait that makes the U.S. “unique in the world” is “the senseless availability of…’weapons of war.'”

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