**UPDATE: Breitbart News received a response to the Washington Post from Bobby Jindal’s press office:

For years, liberals have attacked Governor Jindal for not being brown or Indian enough for their liking.

Liberals are fixated on race.They have said he is ‘trying to scrub some of the brown off his skin” or ‘there’s not much Indian left in Bobby Jindal’ or that a portrait of him in the Governor’s Office was not brown enough.

Governor Jindal is proud of his heritage. He believes we need to stop fixating on race and hyphenated Americans. We are all Americans.

Using the old game of quoting surrogates, the left-wing Washington Post did to Louisiana Republican Governor Bobby Jindal what the left and its media surrogates always to do non-white male Republicans — questioned the authenticity of his racial identity.

WaPo’s biography piece sports a headline that directly attacks Jindal’s racial authenticity, ” From Piyush to Bobby: How does Jindal feel about his family’s past?“. The piece goes on to detail Jindal’s love of cowboy boots, hunting, and desire to be seen as an American as opposed to an “Indian American.” Then comes the kill shot…

WaPo quotes a political science professor who sneers, “There’s not much Indian left in Bobby Jindal.”

The timing is intentional. Jindal is expected to announce his run for president next week.

As the Republican Party continues to attract too many women and minorities for the media to ignore, in order to keep the racist narrative against the GOP alive, these women and minorities must be portrayed as sell-outs to their gender and race.

The Democrat coalition is a splintered Jenga tower of various minority groups. If one piece of that tower is removed, the whole thing comes own; Democrats lose power. In order to keep minority voters from seeing the GOP as the big tent it really is, non-white male Republicans are almost always marginalized and vilified in the manner we are seeing here from the Washington Post.

Just last month, Bloomberg’s Mark Halperin launched a vicious racial attack on Republican Ted Cruz, a Hispanic.

Even spouses aren’t spared from these racialist attacks at the Washington Post. In February, Karen Tumulty attacked Jeb Bush’s Hispanic wife.

Whether it’s Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Clarence Thomas, or Bobby Jindal, the media is always the tip of the spear in launching sexist and racist attacks to protect Democrat power. Jindal isn’t the first casualty of the media’s racism, he won’t be the last.

These are evil people.

Democrats haven’t changed their spots from the days when they created Jim Crow and the KKK. They merely changed their tactics. From the days of Reconstruction, Democrats and their allies in the media have been all about remaining in power by keeping minorities oppressed.

The only thing that’s changed today is their tactics.


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