HuffPo: NRA Keeps ‘Embarrassing’ Gun Control Lobby


On Wednesday, the day after the ATF scrapped its proposed AR-15 ammo ban, the Huffington Post (HuffPo) ran an article claiming one of the reasons the gun control lobby suffers “embarrassing loss” after “embarrassing loss” is because they spend their energies passing sloppy laws and then trying to enforce those laws in an offensive manner.

The article centers on the passage of the Law Enforcement Officers Protection Act (LEOPA) in 1986. The LEOPA was an amendment to the Gun Control Act of 1968 and it added the “armor piercing” language that the ATF recently tried to use to ban AR-15 ammo.

According to HuffPo, the LEOPA was a sloppy bill that did not even seek to define a measure for what constitutes “armor piercing.” Moreover, there was “no serious testing… to determine which types of ammunition should be covered by the law.”

Instead, there was an framework partly established for pursuing bans that was so ambiguous even the HuffPo writer describes the halted AR-15 ammo ban as “reasonable.” And this is why the NRA keeps trouncing the gun control lobby, a lobby often led by rabid figures who are blind to the repercussions that own pursuits would have on law-abiding citizens and the Second Amendment.

As HuffPo put it, while gun rights groups walk away from the halted ban with another victory and their heads held high, the “gun sense folks” lament “another defeat at the hands of a seemingly all-powerful NRA.” Those “folks” are going to have quit pursuing and seizing on sloppy and infringing laws if they really hope to reverse course.

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