On “Morning Joe” Thursday, Ayman Mohyeldin, a NBC News foreign correspondent, lied about and defamed American Sniper Chris Kyle as a “racist” who went on “killing sprees.”

Kudos to NBC’s Willie Geist for pushing back with the truth.

Transcript via Newsbusters:

OHYELDIN: A lot of his stories when he was back home in Texas, a lot of his own personal opinions about what he was doing in Iraq, how he viewed Iraqis. Some of what people have described as his racist tendencies towards Iraqis and Muslims when he was going on some of these, you know, killing sprees in Iraq on assignment. So I think there are issues —

SCARBOROUGH: Wait, wait. Killing sprees? Chris Kyle was going on killing sprees?

MOHYELDIN: When he was involved in his — on assignments in terms of what he was doing. A lot of the description that has come out from his book and some of the terminology that he has used, people have described as racist. . . .

GEIST: It wasn’t a commentary about the war. It wasn’t about the politics of the war. It was a character study of what this guy went through. And you don’t have to like him and all the comments about him calling Iraqis savages. He was calling the people he was shooting savages. He was calling people who he thought had IEDs, who he thought were going to kill his buddies savages. He didn’t — some people have seized on that term that he thought all Iraqis or everyone in the Middle East is a savage. That’s just not what he said. It’s not what he said. He was talking about the people he was fighting in the theater, calling them savages.

SCARBOROUGH: All right, when we come back, Ayman is going to kick around Santa Claus.

Elsewhere at NBC News and at the Washington Post, this lie about an American war hero continues to be spread.


John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC