The same Politico writer who gave Obamacare an A minus grade is now scolding Republicans saying they’ve lost the debate over Obamacare. With its supposed 7 million enrollees, Politico says, Republicans “lost the best evidence they had” that Obamacare is a failed policy.
On March 28, Politico writer David Nather wrote a piece giving Obamacare letter grades in various areas such as its number of enrollees, website readiness, its repairs, and other markers of success and in nearly every category, Nather felt Obamacare was doing quite well.
Now that same writer is slamming conservatives and Republicans for having the gall to attack Obama’s healthcare take over based on his determination that the Obamacare website is such a great success.
Nather begins his April 2 piece recalling that conservatives “seized on the flubbed Obamacare rollout as proof that President Barack Obama’s brand of liberalism doesn’t work.”
Then he makes this pronouncement: “Now, the law’s opponents aren’t about to say that critique was wrong–but they’ve lost the best evidence they had.”
Nather goes on to scoff at those who maintain that Obama’s style of government can’t do big things and goes on a long, two-page attack on Obamacare’s opponents.
The writer does note some of the criticism of Obamacare, but dismisses it all out of hand. “Now, [critics] have to acknowledge,” Nather claimed, “that the government fixed the problem–and enrollment came roaring back.”
This claim is not as pat as Nather makes it seem. Firstly, there still isn’t any proof that the Obamacare website is giving any useful information to the insurance companies on the back-end of the system. This is extremely important. Without this information being correct, insurance companies can’t properly assign new policies.
Most importantly, despite this victory lap indulged by Politico, in 2008 President Obama sold his take over of the nation’s healthcare system as a way to give between 30 and 40 million uninsured Americans a new insurance policy. One would think that signing up a mere 7 million is a far sight less than the goal–especially when Obamacare is a law that forces people to get insured.
But despite the total lack of hard numbers proving the case, Nather and Politico are doing their level best to give Obama all the cover he needs to claim that his Obamacare policy is a 100 percent success.
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