From what I can glean from this Politico report, Brandon Ambrosino is a gay writer who doesn’t think in the way the left-wing media demands gays think. For that sin, Ezra Klein is getting blasted for hiring Ambrosino as a contributor to his new online venture,
The backlash to Abrosino’s hire, from liberal sites like Media Matters and America Blog, began almost immediately after he was hired. Those sites and others fault Ambrosino, a gay Christian, for believing that someone who is anti-same sex marriage is not automatically homophobic, that being gay is a choice, that people shouldn’t have immediately dismissed Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson for his anti-gay remarks and for expressing warm feelings toward Liberty University founder Jerry Falwell, despite his vehement disapproval of gays.
“Ambrosino offers the anti-LGBT right the reassuring message that they aren’t doing anything wrong,” and gives “anti-gay conservatives… a gay writer they can hide behind to shield themselves from accusations of bigotry,” Media Matters wrote. Slate’s Mark Joseph Stern went even farther, bashing Ambrosino’s writing and saying that his “sole aim seems to be to inform conservatives that their worst fears about gay people are absolutely correct.”
This is another example of repressive tolerance, where the media tars ideas they disagree with as intolerance and therefore as worthy of being banished. It’s just a form of fascism disguised as sensitivity.
Klein responded via Facebook by reassuring everyone that will not be about “Contrarian clickbait at the expense of the struggle and discrimination that LGBT men and women face every day.”
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