As the Girl Scout “cookiecott” continues, Media Matters accused Fox News of leading other “right-wing media figures” in a campaign against the Girl Scouts that is “propped up by misleading claims, ludicrous oversimplifications, and frequently repeated myths about the organization.”
Media Matters lists the first “myth” as: “The Girl Scouts Tweeted An Endorsement of Wendy Davis.”
The outlet claims that the Girl Scouts organization “did not endorse or support Wendy Davis’ policies. The “fact,” it states, is that in December, the Girl Scouts “tweeted a link to a Huffington [P]ost article about women who had been influential in 2013” and asked followers for additions to the list. It goes on to say that the Huffington [P]ost article “did mention Davis as a possible contender as ‘standard-bearer for females in 2013.'”
As Breitbart News’ Austin Ruse observed, the Girl Scouts attempted to assuage the condemnation the organization received by distancing themselves from the original tweet:
— Girl Scouts (@girlscouts) January 6, 2014
" layout="responsive" width="600" height="480">Next, the Girl Scouts issued a rather half-hearted apology for the tweet about Davis after the discovery of the Scouts’ seeming endorsement of the abortion advocate caused a protest among Girl Scouts members, parents, and the public at large.
Media Matters also claims it is a “myth” that the Girl Scouts is affiliated with Planned Parenthood.
However, in January of 2012, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said that Planned Parenthood’s relationship with the Girl Scouts is “very valuable.”
At a congressional reception to celebrate the Girl Scouts’ 100th anniversary, Pelosi and other female government leaders helped to promote the Scouts’ new program, “To Get Her There,” the goal of which is “gender-balanced leadership.”
Asked whether the Girl Scouts’ association with Planned Parenthood is a valuable relationship, Pelosi cagily responded, “The Girl Scouts have relationships with many organizations, and, yes, I think they are all very valuable.”
In addition, in 2004, then-Girl Scout CEO Kathy Cloninger said on The Today Show, “We have relationships with our church communities, with YWCAs, and with Planned Parenthood organizations across the country.”
Media Matters also claims it is a “myth” that the Girl Scouts promotes left-leaning politics. Instead, the outlet states the girls’ organization has connections to both political parties.
Aside from the fact that Media Matters presumes there are no “left-leaning” Republicans, the associations the Girl Scouts have with the abortion industry and the culture of sexual promiscuity are primarily at issue.
As John Pisciotta, leader of the “cookiecott” and director of Pro-Life Waco, said, boycotters have never made claims about the Girl Scouts’ “politics.”
Pisciotta said his group did not single out the Wendy Davis tweet because Davis is a Democrat but because she represents the pro-abortion culture.
“We simply stated that they have in their tweet about Wendy Davis advanced her as role model for girls,” said Pisciotta.
Christy Volanski, former Girl Scout mother and now leader of opposition against the organization, spoke to Breitbart News’ Ruse regarding current Girl Scout CEO Anna Maria Chavez, who took to YouTube last week to deny charges from cookie boycotters.
“GSUSA Anna Maria Chavez passionately claims Girl Scouts USA believes ‘reproductive issues’ are deeply private matters best left to families,” said Volanski. “Yet we have example after example of GSUSA and local councils exposing girls to resources, content and organizations that specifically advocate for abortion rights.”