With ObamaCare on the verge of collapse, no 2013 accomplishments to speak of, joblessness still a huge problem for tens of millions of Americans, and a nonsensical Middle East policy, anyone who knows anything about our White House press corps also knows that there is always a get-him-off-the-hook-question, and at today’s Obama presser, that is almost certainly going to be about “Duck Dynasty.”

Phony White House protests to the contrary, President Obama loves these questions. Any opportunity to talk about local crimes or any kind of divisive issue is for him an opportunity for Obama to hit the mainstream media’s sweet spot, and the White House press corps is always looking to get its sweet spot hit.

How many unanswered questions remain about Benghazi, the IRS scandal, and government’s own estimates that tens of millions more could lose their insurance due to ObamaCare?

If past is prologue with our lapdog media, Obama is going to be asked to comment on a reality show before he’s pressured to explain a legion of other issues affecting the lives of millions.

If it is not “Duck Dynasty,” the runner up is the Olympics. 



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