The Washington Examiner’s Sean Higgins went back a few years and did some research on Politicfact’s fact checks of the president’s claim that you can keep your health insurance if you like it, and on warnings from Republicans that ObamaCare will cost millions their insurance plans. What Higgins found is that reality has lit PolitFact’s pants on fire. Today, though, the phony fact-checker refuses to correct the record or even comment on six wildly misleading fact-checks:

I asked Politifact’s editors whether they still stood by these columns. Editor Angie Holan did not respond directly, instead emailing me a round up of their more recent columns on aspects of the Obamacare debate. I asked again and she did not respond.

Apparently, Politifact thinks accountability is something that only applies to other people.

Be sure to read Higgins’ breakdown of PolitiFact’s years-long effort to aid and abet Obama’s ObamaCare lies. It dovetails nicely with the fact that NBC’s Chuck Todd was always skeptical of the president’s pledge.


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