Author and columnist Ann Coulter brought the heat to “Fox and Friends” Tuesday morning (when does she not bring the heat?) and hammered the Obama Administration’s handling of the Syrian situation. Blaming the president for creating the current diplomatic and political situation by drawing his “red line” over chemical weapons last year, Coulter said “What Republicans ought to be able to vote on in Congress is whether they can invent a time machine, go back and not have Obama issue an ultimatum on chemical weapons.”
Coulter went on to point out the hypocrisy of Democrats considering their skepticism over Sadaam Hussein’s chemical attacks that were part of the reasoning behind the Iraq War in 2002:
“I’m really enjoying seeing all these liberals, the utter, utter blinding hypocrisy of them complain being this chemical weapons attack…
…This is just a political game for them,. You cannot trust Democrats with — to be commander in chief. Americans remember that when you vote for a president; they cannot take national security seriously, we do not intervene in countries to make America safer.”
Watch the whole segment here: