Scarborough: I Don't Need to Apologize for Calling Zimmerman a Murderer

Scarborough: I Don't Need to Apologize for Calling Zimmerman a Murderer

If what he said on August 16 is any indication, Joe Scarborough feels that only politicians, not talk show hosts, should apologize when they call someone a name or give others a false impression of someone in the news. Scarborough’s comments were in reference to him calling George Zimmerman a “murderer” during Zimmerman’s trial.

George Zimmerman was acquitted of murder earlier this year, but Scarborough says he doesn’t have to apologize for calling Zimmerman a murderer because he isn’t a politician.

In a discussion with former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell (D), Scarborough quixotically scolded the GOP for not showing “sympathy” to Trayvon Martin while at the same time excusing himself for having shown no sympathy to George Zimmerman.

Joe Scarborough: You take Trayvon Martin, it would have cost Republican leaders absolutely nothing, Ed Rendell, absolutely nothing, to just show a little respect. And show a little bit of sympathy.

Ed Rendell: And they didn’t do it.

Scarborough: And speak out against the most extreme elements. Supporting George Zimmerman before they even knew the facts of the case. Now, again, you know, I got out early, said some things about George Zimmerman myself, I shouldn’t have said, perhaps. I got overly emotional. But I’m not in office. And if I were in office I would have apologized.


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