Seventy-six percent not only tuned out the Zimmerman story, they didn’t even come close to buying the media’s phony racial narrative. A new poll now proves the media have lost the battle to smear “Stand Your Ground Laws.” By a ratio of 53% to 40%, voters still favor the law, despite weeks of attacks by Obama, Democrats, and their allies in the mainstream media:

A majority of Americans back so-called “stand your ground” laws, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Friday, though their views differ sharply by race.

Voters support “stand your ground,” which allows individuals to act in self-defense during a conflict without attempting to retreat, by 53 percent to 40 percent.

But the results break down over racial divides: White voters back “stand your ground” by 57 percent to 37 percent while black voters are opposed 57 percent to 37 percent.

It is unfortunate that everyone who benefits from “Stand Your Ground” doesn’t support it:

The fact is that black defendants benefit from “Stand Your Ground” laws–especially because black people are more likely to be victims of crime. In 2009, for example, a black man, Demarro Battle, shot and killed Omar Bonilla (described as “white” by the Fort Myers police department), but charges were dropped because of Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law. Numerous similar cases have occurred across the nation.

In her NPR story, Johnson cites statistics showing that white defendants benefit more often from Stand Your Ground laws. However, that is a misleading approach, because blacks still benefit disproportionately from “Stand Your Ground,” at least in Florida. The Daily Caller notes today that blacks make up a third of Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” cases, twice their proportion in the population of the state as a whole.

Hispanic support is split evenly, 44% support, 43% against.

The media are having a pretty terrible run after successfully helping to get President Obama reelected. They lost the gun control battle, probably the comprehensive immigration reform battle, and have most definitely lost every single battle surrounding George Zimmerman.


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