What Happened? Obama and His Media Defenders Claimed He 'Saved Detroit'

What Happened? Obama and His Media Defenders Claimed He 'Saved Detroit'

Now that Barack Obama has admitted Detroit is going bankrupt, let us take a trip down memory lane to remember the fairy tale Obama and his defenders in the media promulgated that he saved Detroit.

  • The Daily Beast, August 14, 2010, “Obama Saved Detroit”: “General Motors posted strong second-quarter profit — the latest sign that Obama saved Detroit.”
  • The Washington Post, April 4, 2012: “For now, however, Detroit has reason for optimism. Thanks to the resurgence of the auto industry, Michigan’s once-staggering unemployment rate has improved faster than that of any state…”
  • Barack Obama, June 14, 2012, in Cleveland: “When my opponents and others were arguing that we should let Detroit go bankrupt, we made a bet on American workers and today our auto industry is back on top of the world.”
  • Obama’s weekly address, October 13, 2012: “We refused to throw in the towel and do nothing. We refused to let Detroit go bankrupt.”
  • MLive.com Detroit, which represents Michigan’s Booth newspaper chain, October 25, 2012: “Obama saved Detroit. We don’t forget.”
  • Barack Obama on Twitter, October 25, 2012: “I wasn’t going to let Detroit go bankrupt. Or Toledo go bankrupt. Or Lordstown go bankrupt. I bet on American workers.”


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